Mass Action: The Big-Six Energy Monopoly

Thursday 3rd May 2012
Meet in central London, details to be announced

The Big Six energy companies: British Gas, EDF, E.ON, RWE power, Scottish & Southern and Scottish Power control 99% of our energy supply – making obscene profits from burning fossil fuels, trashing the planet and pushing people into fuel poverty.

Let's take back the power.

Thursday 3rd May 2012
Meet in central London, details to be announced

The Big Six energy companies: British Gas, EDF, E.ON, RWE power, Scottish & Southern and Scottish Power control 99% of our energy supply – making obscene profits from burning fossil fuels, trashing the planet and pushing people into fuel poverty.

Let's take back the power.

On Thursday 3rd May, as the Executives of the Big Six meet at the UK Energy Summit in central London, join Climate Justice Collective in a mass action for energy democracy and against corporate control and centralised power systems.

The more heads involved in organising this, the better it will be – so come along to our next organising meeting:
When: Saturday; 3rd March: 11am – 5pm
Where: Greenpeace, Canonbury Villas, London, N1 2PN. Closest tube: Angel
or Highbury & Islington.

*Crash Space & Kids* Please email if you'll be needing crash space for Friday and/or Saturday night. Also let us know if you'll be bringing along any of the next generation of movement builders 🙂 Their ages would be helpful to know as well.