Mayo shell site blockaded, later occupied, jailings & solidarity demo


Local Protesters Blockade Shell Construction site in Mayo

A number of Shell to Sea campaigners have established a non-violent blockade of the road leading to the proposed gas refinery site at Bellanaboy. Two protestors are locked on to an immobilized vehicle, preventing access to the site.

Bellanaboy car blockade13.07.2007

Local Protesters Blockade Shell Construction site in Mayo

A number of Shell to Sea campaigners have established a non-violent blockade of the road leading to the proposed gas refinery site at Bellanaboy. Two protestors are locked on to an immobilized vehicle, preventing access to the site.

“It is vital for the preservation of Erris and the protection of its people that all work on this destructive and exploitative project be stopped immediately. Despite a contemptible strategy by the authorities that either ignores or maliciously persecutes those opposing the project, residents remain resolute in their opposition.” says John Monaghan

This action comes in the wake of the conviction of three local residents on a charge of assault, a charge they vigorously deny. The judges’ verdict has been met with surprise and chagrin from the community.

Today Shell to Sea supporters are clearly demonstrating that they will not be deterred by Gardai violence or false imprisonment

for timeline etc go to

Occupation of refinery site

Breaking news – 10pm

100 people have just occupied the proposed refinery site in Ballinaboy!

People jumped the main front gates of the refinery site and just walked on. Over 100 people occupied the site. The atmosphere was very relaxed and peaceful.

People chatted to the security staff and challenged them as to why they feel the necessity to work for Shell.

People stayed on site for roughly half an hour. They had a walk around, and a good look around. People walked right to the top of the site and back down again.

There were no Gardai there for the duration of the occupation.

People have just left the site together as a block and are going on to have a bonfire together and with the fishermen that have just been released from prison.

This follows a day of all out action by the people in Erris. Two people had locked on this morning to a vehicle. This blocade, supported by road blocades done by people on another road prevented the trucks from working for the vast majority of the day. The two men that ‘locked on’ have both been charged with numerous public order and road traffic offences. They are due to appear in the District Court in Castlebar on Wednesday.

Shell to Sea campaigners jailed for police assault

A text message and short phone call last night revealed that three Shell to Sea protestors have been jailed on assault charges against the Garda.

The text message from one at the Rossport Solidarity Camp said the three men were found guilty of assaults on the police.

One man received three months, another one month and the last is facing four months in prison.

A forth man is also facing the same charges.

An appeal is set for today to see if they can over turn the charges, but as the message I received last night said it did not look good.

For further updates keep your eye on here or on:

Solidarity with Jailed anti-Shell Protesters- Picket at Department of Justice, Dublin

No Justice in Rossport- the Gardaí work for Shell
Mayo jail solidarity demo
Supporters of the campaign to have Shell site their refinery offshore and for the Irish govt to secure Irish natural resources for the people showed their solidarity with the three Erris fisherment who have been wrongly jailed. A large group of about forty protesters handed in a short letter (signed by them all) to the minister expressing outrage at the treatment of the three men.

The Gardaí complained that the presence of such as a large group of people at the entrance of the building had health and safety implications, and tried to order those present to move, but it was poined out the health and safety implications of Shell’s scheme for Mayo were a much greater threat to us all.

Garda reinforcements arrived and tried to intimidate the protesters, who included some Sinn Féin and Green Party members (as well as members of smaller groups and none), but no one paid any attention to them, since they are widely recognised as simply being used as merceneries for Shell now, their authority is slipping away.

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