Mexico: Explosive Attack Against Ministry of Agrarian Territorial and Urban Development

from Insurrection News / Contra Info


Black June. On June 6 at about 3AM we successfully detonated  an explosive device made of dynamite that was placed inside the offices of SEDATU (Ministry of Agrarian Territorial and Urban Development) located on Revolution Avenue near the corner of Rio Mixcoac in Mexico City, Mexico. The detonation destroyed the glass front of the building.

In Mexico, this secretariat – using different names – has been responsible for putting an official stamp on the turning of nature and the earth into commodities and of normalizing the dispossession and violence that the state uses in it’s accumulation of capital.

We are a group of insurrectionary anarchist feminist witches who have gathered in a cell of affinity. Our group was born on August 25 2014 when we detonated an explosive device in a PAN (National Action Party) office in the Mexico City and placed another device in the Loreto church in the historic center of the same city.

June is a month of thirty days…

We also denounce the vile way in which the mass media hides the news of the attacks and the resistance.

Solidarity with the imprisoned comrades in Chile, Italy, Greece and Spain. We are with you comrades.

Solidarity with the comrades Mario López and Carlos López. We are with you comrades.


Mexico City, June 7, 2015

Lupe la camelina
Por la célula de difusión del
Comando feminista informal de acción antiautoritaria (Informal Feminist Commando Of Anti-authoritarian Action) 

(via contra info, translated by Insurrection News)