24th June received anonymously:

24th June received anonymously:

"Over the weekend, a mobile slaughter unit operated by Shoe's Mobile
Slaughter and Processing (14515 Coon Hollow Rd, Sublimity, OR) was
decommissioned by having a gallon of bleach poured into its fuel tank.
When the liquid bleach comes into contact with the diesel in the tank it
will create a chemical reaction that will cause rapid corrosion to the
unit's fuel system–forcing it to seize up. For the time being this
slaughter unit will be unable to be used to spill the blood of another

This method of sabotage was chosen because it is silent, effective, and
easily reproducible. Symbolic protest and consumer boycotts in and of
themselves are not sufficient in addressing the immediate violence that is
being carried out against non-human animals every second of everyday.
Direct intervention is necessary to free imprisoned non-humans and to
destroy the machines that facilitate their exploitation.

This action is dedicated to the memory of Clément Méric, a vegan and
anti-fascist who was beaten to death by neo-nazis in Paris a little over a
year ago. Just as we struggle against those who abuse and exploit
non-human animals; we also take an uncompromising stance against the
far-right's attempts to not only infiltrate the animal liberation and
environmental movements, but also against their attempts to assert
themselves in society in general. Let Clément's tragic death be a
reminder of the necessity for the movement to maintain a strong anti-fascist ethic and to oppose the fascist scum at every turn.

'Mourn the dead, fight like hell for the living.'"