More careers fair antics – Cambridge, Birmingham, Oxford – update: RBS & e.on no-shows

Update: RBS didn’t turn up to a Cambridge careers fair and e.on have given a few a miss now – keep on going folks, there’ll be lots of other murderous companies coming your way…

Careering Downwards, courtesy of Cambridge University!

Make a living not a killing bannersUpdate: RBS didn’t turn up to a Cambridge careers fair and e.on have given a few a miss now – keep on going folks, there’ll be lots of other murderous companies coming your way…

Careering Downwards, courtesy of Cambridge University!
5th November 2008
Today and tomorrow, Cambridge University are hosting a Careers Fair, which seems to comprise a motley collection of arms manufacturers, planet wreckers and Vivisectionists.

To highlight just how dubious many of the exhibitors at this event are, some activists decided to go along today.

Despite the extremely fluffy actions undertaken by activists, which were handing out flyers to visitors (for a while inside the venue as well as on the road outside), and displaying banners, there was a high presence not only of the expected Proctors, but also many police, including a FIT team who made a point of photographing everyone while they were there, but seemed to be strangely camera shy themselves.

Apparently earlier in the day there were at least two van loads of police in attendance, although by the time activists arrived in numbers they had gone, with ‘just’ several cars having a visible presence there all of the afternoon, including (I witnessed) the searching of someone’s Guitar case at the door!


Students Dying to Ditch Dirty Development

Last Friday (31st October) students from Keele, BCU, Birmingham, Warwick and Aston People and Planet groups staged a die-in at Royal Bank of Scotland’s stall in the Graduate Recruitment Fair at the NEC in Birmingham. It was the latest in a series of actions as part of People and Planet’s Ditch Dirty Development Campaign targeting RBS at careers’ fairs and presentations at universities around the country.

Students gritted their teeth through the security checks into the careers’ fair arena, as well as resisting the temptation to target other companies in a who’s who of unethical companies (including defence contractors such as BAE Systems, and the Arcadia Group owners of notorious sweatshop high street brand Topshop) before congregating at the RBS stall. At an agreed time the students performed a mass die-in in and around the stall, dying on oil slicks to make the point about oil extraction and climate change already killing those in developing countries.

Security arrived promptly to remove protesters from the scene, protesters singing “Oil and Gas RBS” as they were removed from the fair. Some students were then questioned by security and the police, while others were taken outside and told to protest in a specially prepared pen outside the main entrance. Those being questioned were then removed from the premise, one was even threatened with arrest by police officers in order for them to obtain their name and address, and were informed that should they return they would be arrested, on rather legally dubious grounds.

Those in the “protest pen” outside were subjected to sniffer dog checks of bags for explosives, and also of persons for drugs in an attempt to try and pin more on the protesting students. Once this ordeal had been endured, with no shortage of cynical humour and gritted teeth, the remaining students continued to protest outside, and, despite a security presence, attempts to stop students using a megaphone, not being allowed to leave the pen without an escort, managed to engage members of the passing public in the campaign. Spirits were kept high with chants and songs before students decided to end the protest and were escorted out of the area by security.

While those who took part were satisfied with the day’s protesting, police officers questioning and threatening participants with arrest as well as the use of sniffer dogs represents was a worrying development, especially in response to what was essentially a very fluffy direct action protest. However, protests against RBS at careers events will continue no matter how much they hide behind security and police. The campaign continues….

Some of the exhibitors include…

Proctor & Gamble (vivisection funders)

Eon (Pro Nuclear and Coal power)

Rolls Royce (Arms Manufacturers, sponsors of University Engineering Department)

Shell (archetypal oil greenwashers)

…And many more besides.

It would seem that despite previous years’ Careers Fairs also having activists in attendance, due to the moral bankruptcy of the companies being booked for said event, the University still hasn’t figured out that it’s actually better for their wider reputation to display some ethics in their booking choices for such an event.

You could always come along and see it for yourself, as it’s open again Thursday afternoon (November 6th), by The Mill Pond at The Graduate Centre, although if you’re not a Cambridge University Student, you may get ID’ed.


E.ON Recruiters Targeted AGAIN – in Oxford

Climate-trashing energy monsters E.ON continued their national recruitment tour with a stall at the Oxford Careers Fair today. They seemed miserable but not surprised when a group of local activists turned up too…

This afternoon, Oxford Town Hall played host to a thrilling smorgasbord of unethical corporate recruiters, at the “Science, Engineering and IT Careers Fair”. BAe, AWE, npower, BP, Proctor & Gamble, and the Army were all in attendance, but it was coal-burning climate renegades E.ON who were in the spotlight today.

Over the last few weeks they’ve been targeted by activists at careers fairs across the land, and today was no exception. A group of campaigners from Thames Valley Climate Action were in attendance, making sure that everyone at the fair had an anti-brainwashing leaflet detailing what E.ON were really up to (with more general information on the other side about evil corporate recruiters, so the rest of them didn’t feel neglected). The recruiters wasted plenty of time talking to undercover activists, and every genuine student who visited the stall got a friendly chat from a campaigner as well.

Eventually, though, the shiny corporate displays all got too much to bear, and some more action was required. E.ON were (loudly) presented with a fantastic prize for the most egregious piece of greenwash on display (despite some stiff competition): their display read “Tackling climate change isn’t something that’s tacked onto our agenda. It’s at the heart of our business” (oh, for a bit of paint to remove the word “tackling”). Their prize? A fantastic bag of (char)coal, scattered all over their stall, and the sight of the protesters being firmly escorted from the building, still loudly detailing E.ON’s activities, much to the entertainment of the watching crowd.

The activists then spent some time dishing out the rest of their leaflets outside the fair – we’ll post the leaflet here in case anyone else wants to use it (we cribbed bits of it from the Nottingham careers fair leaflet, so let’s keep sharing it all around!).

Thames Valley Climate Action