New Ring Fort discovered at hill of Tara-activist arrested, plus reminder of Samhain action & celebration weekend

October 19, 2007


Calling out for support NOW and for the rest of the day at main gate Soldiers Hill N3.

2 Protestors are locked on to a tripod and are not moving until an independent archaeological survey is carried out on the newly revealed site.

October 19, 2007


Calling out for support NOW and for the rest of the day at main gate Soldiers Hill N3.

2 Protestors are locked on to a tripod and are not moving until an independent archaeological survey is carried out on the newly revealed site.

Please bring banners, leaflets, warm and waterproof clothing, phone credit, cameras, video equipment, food and water.


Thank you


Reminder: Tara the Great Feast and Samhain celebration Oct31/Nov3rd

Samhain Celebration and big Actions come and revel and resist,calling out to all up for it possee.

Calling ALL PEOPLE to the defence of the Tara Valley, Ireland.
Halt the destruction of this ancient sacred site by the proposed M3 Motorway. We need you NOW! Diggers are destroying this World Heritage site NOW.

We invite you to come to the Hill of Tara and celebrate Samhain, Wed. Oct31st-Sat. Nov.3rd, the ancient Celtic New Year.
As well as havin it actions on Thurs Nov1st and Fri 2nd.
Also a regular monday route walk and action,digger diving and free adrenalin rush.

Experienced activists urgently needed,tree house builders,tunnelers,techies,networkers,media spinners,and midnight pixie commandos.

Dust off your climbing harness and come,all help and support appreciated.
If u cant make it to Tara,network where u are,organise a benefit,film showing,network flyers email the EU commissioner Stavros Dimos info on websites below.

Also to come and support ongoing actions throughout the coming year.
The tide is turning the resistance grows these road building culture destroying crazies aint seen nothing yet.The people are awakening,hear the call of the Ancestors

Please download flyer and posters,from or view info on ( Liftshares are available from London,Bristol,Brighton,Wales check website above)
Email to all contacts on your network.
Print copies and distribute, particularly in public places community centres and libraries.
Network it to the maximum.Thanks from Tara Support.

For more information

Posters and flyers downloadable from