new squatcafe/social centre coming soon in Somerset

13th Feb

the cider squirrel syndicate, occupants of the studioQautonamous village are embarking on a new project for which we are calling for support. the intention is to occupy a space in central Bridgwater to use as a vegan cafe cum social centre. We Want to include a library, computer/publishing workshops, juggling club, radikal cinema and a space for art and fundraisers and parties. We are calling out for any help indymedians can offer-from donations of food, equipment, literature, movies, labour, paint, electrical equipment, plates cups teabags, allotment space, smiles, advice, timber ANYTHING. We project is to be self sustaining through donations, fundraisers and sheer barefaced determination. At present we have 0 pounds for the project so anything you can help provide will enable us to create the space our dying town is crying out for. Anyone who can help or would like more info get in touch on

13th Feb

the cider squirrel syndicate, occupants of the studioQautonamous village are embarking on a new project for which we are calling for support. the intention is to occupy a space in central Bridgwater to use as a vegan cafe cum social centre. We Want to include a library, computer/publishing workshops, juggling club, radikal cinema and a space for art and fundraisers and parties. We are calling out for any help indymedians can offer-from donations of food, equipment, literature, movies, labour, paint, electrical equipment, plates cups teabags, allotment space, smiles, advice, timber ANYTHING. We project is to be self sustaining through donations, fundraisers and sheer barefaced determination. At present we have 0 pounds for the project so anything you can help provide will enable us to create the space our dying town is crying out for. Anyone who can help or would like more info get in touch on

Thanks all

happy resisting x