No GMO – Destroyed a transgenic maize field in Italy

From Italy to Cancun – Justice, Dignity, Independence
10 / 8 / 2010

Italian GM action 1Italian GM action 2Italian GM action 3Italian GM action 4From Italy to Cancun – Justice, Dignity, Independence
10 / 8 / 2010

This morning one hundred activists of the Association Ya Basta Italy entered in a illegal field of genetically modified maize in Vivaro (Pordenone province, northeastern Italy). The action started at noon. Activists destroyed two meters tall plants.

Back in April, the farmers and activists of Ya Basta Italy denounced the illegal planting of maize in Vivaro.

The field was placed under seizure, but the ruling still is taking too long for political debates within the government. From below, then came the immediate response concerning the life and the defense of biodiversity, which can not be cowardly dominated by capital and speculation.

In the public statement of Ya Basta activists declared themselves “indigenous communities” and join the fight for justice and dignity for all communities found in Cochabamba during the People’s Assembly in April.

Also, defending the right and desire to leave the hell of transgenic cultures which destroy the planet and poison the Mother Earth and the waters.

The climate changes, the soil dries, water is privatized: enough … to Cancun!

Video and photos: