‘Not An Eviction Party’ at the secret social centre


Today, the backup venue for the rampART social centre faced a court hearing as the owners sought an interim possession order which would have seen the occupiers given just 24 hours to back up and leave. However, as luck would have it, only the squatters turned up to court so the case was adjourned. No eviction tomorrow and we guess not for at least another week…


Today, the backup venue for the rampART social centre faced a court hearing as the owners sought an interim possession order which would have seen the occupiers given just 24 hours to back up and leave. However, as luck would have it, only the squatters turned up to court so the case was adjourned. No eviction tomorrow and we guess not for at least another week…

It was intended that we’d be having a day of resistance on Friday to see off the bailiffs, starting from 2pm with a vegan cafe and transforming into an all night party to get at least one big event out of the place we’ve put our blood, sweat and tears into since the new year. However, now there is no eviction threat tomorrow we’ve decided to party anyway with the RAMpart2 ‘Not An Eviction Party’

If you don’t already know the address, phone a friend. Anyone who regularly attends the rampART should know the address by now but we’re not posting it here.

Wanna perform or DJ? give us a call (you’ll have to be very self sufficient in terms of equipment).

This won’t be the last event at RAMpart2, but almost.