Nottingham folk succesfully blockade nuclear submarine base in Scotland


Over 50 people from Nottingham and Derby successfully blockaded the Faslane Nuclear Naval Base In Scotland today. Various blockade groups in intriguing lock-on devices and some plastered together blocked the main entrance to the site. Police started removing people from 8.30 onwards but had problems with removing people from a 6 way lock-on device, which held strong for another 2 hours. The police had to draft in specialist equipment from other forces to deal with the device. 18 people were arrested and have been moved to Paisley. The blockade lasted for over 4 hours. Whilst on the phone to someone at the scene, one could hear a lot of chanting and cheering as one protester managed to shout ‘no to nuclear weapons’ just before being put in a police van.


Over 50 people from Nottingham and Derby successfully blockaded the Faslane Nuclear Naval Base In Scotland today. Various blockade groups in intriguing lock-on devices and some plastered together blocked the main entrance to the site. Police started removing people from 8.30 onwards but had problems with removing people from a 6 way lock-on device, which held strong for another 2 hours. The police had to draft in specialist equipment from other forces to deal with the device. 18 people were arrested and have been moved to Paisley. The blockade lasted for over 4 hours. Whilst on the phone to someone at the scene, one could hear a lot of chanting and cheering as one protester managed to shout ‘no to nuclear weapons’ just before being put in a police van.

The action is part of an international campaign to blockade the navel base throughout the year in a bid to stop the replacement of the controversial Trident Missile Sytem. Blockades have been taking place for the last few months by groups from around the country.

Timeline: (updated when new info comes in)

6.45 – Groups arrive and blockades in place at the Main Gate. 1 group with oilbarrel lockon device, 1 group with 6 way lock on device, 2 groups of 3 with plaster attachments (lower arms plastered together).
8.30 – Police start removing people.
9.00 – Police have succesfully removed the oilbarrel lock on blockade. Up to 6 arrests by this time.
9.15 – The group is joined by members of CIRCO, the corporate arm of the Rebel Clown Army. See website. They will auction off the Trident Missile System tomorrow.
9.45 – The blockade has been in place for 3 hours now. The police announce that they are unable to remove people from the 6 way lock on device. They are drafting in officers with specialist equipment from another force.
10.51 – Other officers have arrived and with the new equipment people were removed from the 6 way lock-on device pretty quick. The blockade has been cleared now. 14 people detained in total.
11.00 – 40 people strong demonstration in front of the main entrance. Clowns entertain the crowds and have changed the HM Naval Base sign so it now reads ‘Under New Management’.
12.05 – A woman and a man are arrested for ‘breach of the peace’ offences. Apperently they came too close to the gate. The woman was part of a small group holding a palm sunday protest.
14.29 – The demonstration in front of the gates is still happening. Spirits are high and the clowns providing a load of entertainment. One clown arrested for apperently trying to enter a police vehicle. Protesters decide to stay until at least 4 o’clock when a shift change inside the base will take place.