Occupy! Manchester – 2nd October Tory Party Conference

From 2-5 October 2011 the Conservative Party are coming to Manchester to hold their annual conference. All eyes will be on this city as the Tory’s analyse their progress in implementing their disastrous program of public sector spending cuts, and reveal plans for the years ahead. This conference should not go unopposed. We intend to make the opposition to the cuts and the widely shared belief in a better alternative future visible, and we’d like to do this with you!

From 2-5 October 2011 the Conservative Party are coming to Manchester to hold their annual conference. All eyes will be on this city as the Tory’s analyse their progress in implementing their disastrous program of public sector spending cuts, and reveal plans for the years ahead. This conference should not go unopposed. We intend to make the opposition to the cuts and the widely shared belief in a better alternative future visible, and we’d like to do this with you!

Tories not welcome!

We have been inspired by the large and vibrant student protests that took place last winter, by the dynamic and high-impact actions of UK Uncut, and by the popular demonstrations we are witnessing across North Africa, the Middle East, Spain and Greece. The times are changing and people are speaking out against injustice and inequality.

What are you planning to do?

We need to try new forms of opposition. We have marched in our tens of thousands at previous party conferences, and in our hundreds of thousands in London. Crucial as they are, more marches in bigger numbers will not be enough. As the anti-war protests of 2003 showed, the government finds them easy to ignore. As anger at the Con-Dem cuts grows we need to make it more visible.

The cuts are for the benefit of the rich – we refuse to pay for their crisis!

The TUC have called a national demonstration to be held in Manchester on Sunday October 2nd. That afternoon anti-cuts protestors will occupy Albert Square to create an assembly of protest on the doorstep of the Tory’s conference, a symbol of the mass opposition to the cuts and a place for real
debate and discussion about the alternatives and the possibilities.

Come ready to make noise, and stay for the long haul!


Supporters so far:

* Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union – Manchester and Merseyside.
* Education Activist Network.
* Geoff Brown, Secretary of the Manchester TUC (pc).
* Manchester Book Bloc.
* The Manchester Green and Black Cross.
* Manchester UKuncut.
* Manchester University Staff against the Cuts.
* Manchester University Student Union.
* Queer Resistance North-West.
* Real Democracy Manchester.
* Shift Magazine.
* Socialist Workers Party.
* Socialist Worker Student Society.