Ongoing Blockade Of Fracking Site In Sussex

Entance Of Fracking Site Blocked

Fracking company Cuadrilla Resources are trying to start drilling in Balcombe, West Sussex and the community is trying to stop them.

Entance Of Fracking Site Blocked

Fracking company Cuadrilla Resources are trying to start drilling in Balcombe, West Sussex and the community is trying to stop them.

Update (2:45pm): Beginning to look like Balcombe 1 – Cuadrilla 0. Thoughts are turning to Day 2 of blockade!

Update (12:45pm): Now over 250 people at site. Come down and join the party!

Update (10:45am): Large crowd. Truck isn’t going anywhere. Come on down!

Update (9:45am): Gazebos are up. Gala settling in for long haul. Come on down!

Update (9:00am): Great Gas Gala going strong. Trucks now backed up all through the village.

Update (8:30am): Great Gas Gala is well underway. A truck tring to deliver equipment is being blocked from entering the fracking site. Numbers are growing.

Photos of evolving blockade at Cuadrilla Resources fracking site in Balcombe, Sussex. Around 250 people, truck immobilised outside site, seems to have mysteriously developed fault with brakes. Gazebos up, legal briefing for locals, another truck stopped in village. Another 15 more trucks were due today. Now seems unlikely any will get on. Cuadrilla had wanted to be up and drilling by weekend.


Large Number Of People Blockng Entrance
Large Number Of People Blockng Entrance

Atmosphere Relaxed At Present
Atmosphere Relaxed At Present

Camp Being Set Up
Camp Being Set Up

Faulty Brakes On Truck
Faulty Brakes On Truck

Police Hanging Back For Now
Police Hanging Back For Now

Cuadrilla have temporary planning permission to drill at site in Balcombe. Permission expires in September and drilling will take at least 6 weeks so any significant delays could scupper their plans. They are exploring for tight (shale) oil, and the Kimmerage Clay shale layer they are targeting is similar to the Bakken Shale in North Dakota. Full scale production would involve thousands of wells, pipelines and compressor stations coating the Sussex countryside. This is before you get to water contamination, air pollution and accelerating climate change. See for updates