Open Day at the Tesco Occupation, Bristol

February 24 2010
To celebrate the second week of occupation and get people involved in the space we are holding an open day at the Tesco occupation this Sunday. Please come along!

February 24 2010
To celebrate the second week of occupation and get people involved in the space we are holding an open day at the Tesco occupation this Sunday. Please come along!

We are holding a Freeschool from 12 til 4. At 5 o’clock there will be Community Bingo, and at 6 o’clock a meal will be served. Hopefully we will also be showing films and running a free cafe. We will also be launching a VegBox scheme. Please feel free to come along and bring all of your friends!

Tesco’s lawyers have already issued court proceedings against us and are trying every trick in the book to get us out – from sending round the heavies with sledgehammers to infiltrating our meetings (they have admitted to doing this and they are using evidence from these meetings in their court proceedings!).

Hopefully Sunday be a fun and family-friendly invitation to the local community to reclaim their space and take control of it themselves. None of us want to see the multinationals take over Stokes Croft!


For more info call 07794894353 or drop by at any time (knock loudly!). See the following vids for a peek inside and out..

To read about the squatting of the building, read this