People Needed to Stop the Slaughter – Save the Welsh Badgers

The Welsh Assembly Government is planning to slaughter thousands of badgers, in South West Wales,over the next five years as part of their “plan” to eradicate bovine TB. This despite all the evidence from previous culls that badgers do not contribute to the spread of the disease.

Get directly involved in stopping the Welsh Assembly Government’s illegal and immoral slaughter of Welsh badgers.

The Welsh Assembly Government is planning to slaughter thousands of badgers, in South West Wales,over the next five years as part of their “plan” to eradicate bovine TB. This despite all the evidence from previous culls that badgers do not contribute to the spread of the disease.

Get directly involved in stopping the Welsh Assembly Government’s illegal and immoral slaughter of Welsh badgers.

The five year slaughter, costing millions to the tax payer, is nothing more than a sop to the dairy farming industry which refuses to accept that its own bad practices and poor husbandry are causing the spread of the disease and is looking for a scapegoat.

If this cull is deemed a success it may well be rolled out to the rest of the UK so it is important we act now to stop the wholesale slaughter of this harmless, native animal.

Please contact us at: if you wish to get directly involved in stopping the cull.

For more information on the cull please see: