Pixeing & a game of chicken at t’peat works

On Sunday the 12th August, about 15 people visited the peat works unannounced, finding it almost deserted and wandering around for about 15 minutes before finding any workers.

During this time, all the keys from the key safe and ignition keys for most of the machines disappeared and ended up at the bottom of drains and the engine of one of the two peat-moving trains got sand in the petrol tank.

After coming across workers and realising the police had been called, we decided to head off across the moor in an attempt to get away.

However the police used their helicopter to try and head us off, bringing it about 6 feet off the ground in front of us and engaging in a game of chicken. However we pressed on regardless and the police chickened out first, but not before police on foot had caught up with some of the group and escorted them off site after taking another set of details. They then set off with the helicopter and dogs to find the rest of the group who managed to hide and escape from the moors without being spotted.

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