Police invade Climate Camp – and FIT are ejected

The Forward Intelligence Team made a foray onto the field today but were ejected from the field by campers.

Police incursionPolice try to nick climate camp plumbingClimate campers sit on woodpileWood chain from cops to camp2.08.2008
The Forward Intelligence Team made a foray onto the field today but were ejected from the field by campers.

Police still feel confident to wander about the site in pairs – followed and escorted, natch – but the arrival of the FIT with cameras proved too much.

Accordingly they were surrounded and ejected from the field today by the camp.

Numbers are swelling – the clmate camp info line is very busy with last minute requests for directions – and we will soon be empowered to reclaim absolute ownership of the site.


Activists dove under police vans and formed human chains to prevent them from getting on site, and people scrambled up the double tripods – but campers were outnumbered 3 to 1 by the police.

Although police claimed to be searching for materials that could be used on the 9th August day of action, they also seized items such as guy-ropes for safely securing marquees, radios used in medical emergencies, and building materials essential for the construction of compost toilets. The seizures went as far as the confiscation of such ridiculous items as a bicycle repair kit, three board games and a pack of children’s crayons.

But the real stand off took place over water pipes and wood for the kitchens. In a twist of supreme irony, as the council dug a pipeline to deliver fresh water, activists had to engage in a tug of war with the police to keep the water pipes on site – which they did successfully. And as the police brought in a flat-bed lorry to remove wood for the kitchens, activists climbed onto the woodpile and prevented it from being taken away.

As the police gave in and the lorry drove away, a cheer went up and campers immediately formed a human chain to carry the wood up to the kitchens. Unfortunately, there is for the time being a small police presence on site.

Everything is now calm on site, but the raid has put the set-up back by half a day, so more people on site are needed to get the camp ready for this Sunday. The big push will be happening over Friday and Saturday as the majority of materials arrive, and there’s plenty of work to be done – so come on down!

This afternoon over 100 police officers invaded the Climate Camp, claiming to search for material that could be used for criminal damage. Since there are only around 150 people currently on site, more people are urgently needed to make the site more secure. There are reports that several people were arrested.

Activists who blocked police vehicles were removed in a very heavy handed manner. The names and details of many people were taken. Materials were removed from site, including a wet suit. All the while, a police helicopter was in the sky over the camp.

Police have now left.

IMC timeline:

19:10 – Police numbers on site are now substantially reduced but they have installed a mobile police station at the entrance to the camp and there is talk of a permanent patrol. Campers currently negotiating the return of the property stolen by police, much of which is essential to setting up the camp infrastructure.

18.36 – The wood pile has been saved. People sat on the woodpile protecting it and eventually the police gave up and sent the recovery vehicle away. The seizure of water pipe was also attempted but stopped by people sitting on it.

18.15 – Currently the police are removing the pile of construction wood using a 24 hour recovery vehicle. Other confiscated items now include: lots of rope, lots of tools, 3 boardgames, a ladder, boiler suits, flares. Police have emptied entire vans. Half of the police have gone off-site, the other half stopped the search but are still on-site. So far 2 people have been arrested, 1 for stopping police from going into their tent (obstruction).

16.40 – Over 200 police officers have entered the site with vehicles and a police helicopter is hovering overhead. Police were issued with a warrant for the searching and seizing of articles for use in criminal damage. Confiscated items have included: planks of wood, carpet and a war-on-terror boardgame. Every tent is being searched. People are up in the tripods. Some officers are reported acting aggressively towards people trying to resist the search. Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT) are walking around the site photographing and filming people.

Any materials relating to the Day of Action, including things that appear to be innocuous (oars, inflatables, pumps, D-locks for bikes and so on) may be seized by the police.

You may like to store such items offsite for collection at a later date.