Protest halts logging in upper Florentine Valley-Monday 13 October 2008 & campaign update newsletter

Monday, 13th October 2008
Tasmanian forest defenders take a stand against climate crimes in the Upper Florentine Valley

Monday, 13th October 2008
Tasmanian forest defenders take a stand against climate crimes in the Upper Florentine Valley

This morning, forest activists from Still Wild Still Threatened conducted a peaceful action in the Upper Florentine Valley, halting logging operations in coupe FO42E. A forest defender is perched high on a tree-sit to protest against the continued decimation of Tasmania’s carbon dense old growth forests.

“We are speaking out against the climate crimes which continue to be perpetuated by Forestry Tasmania and Gunns Limited, and are calling on Kevin Rudd to take immediate action and put a stop to the rampant wood-chipping of some of our most significant carbon sinks” said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Christo Mills.

“A recent ANU study has clearly shown that Tasmania’s ancient forests can play a key role in combating dangerous climate change. [1]However, these globally renowned forests continue to be subjected to destructive roading, logging and burning operations” said Mr Mills.

“The carbon rich forests of the Upper Florentine Valley are being systematically destroyed to feed the rapacious appetite of an environmentally unsustainable wood-chipping industry.The devastation of these carbon rich forests is an international disgrace and forest defenders will continue to take peaceful action against these reprehensible climate crimes” said Mr Mills.

“Protecting Tasmania’s ancient forests is a simple and highly effective climate change solution” said Mr Mills.

For comment, contact: Christo Mills 0447 631 735


The latest campaign update newsletter, Spring 2008 – upcoming dates (Note: Southern hemisphere spring is our Northern autumn) – not that you’d think of flying there in any case, boys & girls 😉