Protesters Block Miners from Coromandel Harbour



30th October New Zealand – A group of Coromandel protesters are currently blockading the town’s harbour in an attempt to stop Sea Holdings from taking samples.

The area is part of Schedule 4, where the Government gave consent for mineral prospecting earlier this year, despite promising in 2010 no mining would be allowed.

Green MP Catherine Delahunty is at the “peaceful protest”, tweeting: “Miners have headed back to motel trying to work how to get around Coromandel community but it’s not working!”.

The Government had originally proposed mineral exploration in 7000ha of conservation land in the Coromandel, Great Barrier Island and Paparoa National Park.

However, the Government did a U-turn in 2010 and said it will not remove any land from Schedule 4 for mining purposes.

But, in March this year it issued eight consents to prospect and explore for coal and other minerals in Coromandel and Paparoa National Park.