protests and ecotage at road building site in Iceland



[from a maintream newspaper:] Equipment at the Gálgahraun lava field – where construction of a controversial new road is planned – was sabotaged by vandalism last night.

As reported last week, protesters were arrested at the lava fields for refusing to move out of the way of road construction equipment. The proposed road, Álftanesvegur, is planned to pass through a protected lava field, which has prompted public resistance in the form of direct action.

Vísir now reports that construction workers arrived at the site this morning to find that someone (or some people) had poured gravel into the fuel tanks of the machines, rendering them useless.

Lava Friends – the organisation that has protested road construction at Gálgahraun most prominently – denied any involvement with the sabotage, saying, "Lava Friends do not use violence nor ruin the private property of others. Lava Friends speak on behalf of nature, and know that nature will win in the end."