Radford Mill organic farm squatted

Hi folks,latest update from radford mill farm is that despite repeated attempts at negotiation with Richard Fox, the landlord, we have been forced by his behaviour to occupy the farm on a squatting basis. We were trying to negotiate a new wave of help for the place and save it as an organic farm and eco project.

Hi folks,latest update from radford mill farm is that despite repeated attempts at negotiation with Richard Fox, the landlord, we have been forced by his behaviour to occupy the farm on a squatting basis. We were trying to negotiate a new wave of help for the place and save it as an organic farm and eco project.

We were taken to court on 16th Nov. In Bath, at the county court. Where the case has been adjourned and referred to Bristol county court. We are now waiting for a date this may come in a few weeks or hopefully will not be dealt with until the new year.

There are a good number of legal arguments and we are confident that this process may take many months. Now is the time for action! We are going to talk to the Climate change camp group (meeting at ythe Albany Centre, Montpelier, Bristol Sat 18th Nov 11am -7pm.) and are discussing the possibility of taking direct action and setting up a camp at the farm to raise the issues of sustainable land use,climate change and land distribution as well as many more environmental issues.

At this critical time for the environment we must take action and call on all who care for the future to come to the farm and take part in change. We have a talking circle every weds 7/8pm to share feelings,thoughts and discuss actions.

We must carry on as if we will be at the farm for a long time to come and anticipate a long drawn out campaign across many parts of the land.

We would like to hear from anyone who would like to run a workshop or event and help with farm work. The farm is under new co-ordination and we need help to network it. Please forward this email to your lists. Hopefully we will be having a winter solstice celebration make a diary note. For further info for action contact Phoenix 07769 791387 (http://www.circlecommunity.org)

If not now then when, if not us then who. is it you? One Love Many hands
make light work.

U cant Kill the spirit.