Radley Lake: The destruction begins – updates


The Oxford Mail reported last night that a protester has been arrested at the Radley Lakes site after workers started preparing the area for the controversial dumping of power station ash.


The Oxford Mail reported last night that a protester has been arrested at the Radley Lakes site after workers started preparing the area for the controversial dumping of power station ash.

“The Ant” as the man is know, had set up camp outside the Thrupp Lake. He went into the area owned by RWE npower after workmen began clearing trees today and was arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass.


Radley Latest

Work has begun in earnest now, with most of the trees on the islands cut down.
NPower’s lawers have also issued an injunction, served on 6 named individuals, plus anyone else they can manage to serve one on down there, pretty much curtailing most of your civil liberties in that area.
This includes taking photgraphs of “protected individuals” (guys with chainsaws and security guards), setting up any camp within a half mile radius of the lake, carrying equipment that could be used to set up tripods, or spike trees, protesting within 5 yards of a “protected individual”…
Apparently, the security guards were feeling harrased.
So- careful not to breath too heavily either- you might end up getting nicked for that too.
So far 3 people have been arrested in the latest wave of the protest- 1 in breach of the injunction (for daring to take photos on a public highway!).
Camps will be demolished after 6 hours, and Camp Kylie, previously home to “The Ant” was demolished in the wee small hours of the morning (no arrests, as there were no longer any occupants, as they’d all been nicked!)

Suggested action- go down there, bear witness, and I leave it up to you as to whether or not you take any notice of this injunction.
I didn’t!

background & update

RWE NPower have gone to great expense to try and gag the local press, TV and
even Radio, to prevent the news getting out there that they are trashing
Thrupp Lake and cutting down hundreds of trees, causing distress to the
nesting birds and causing pain to the local residents who have made an
application to have the place classed as a Town Green.

It all started when NPower evicted a group of people who decided to occupy
the house called Sandles which had remained unoccupied for 18 months. They
went in on the 6th Feb with a team of thuggish individuals with faces hid by
balaclavas and sledgehammered their way through a plate glass window to gain
access to the house. Two girls sleeping next to the window were traumatised
and lucky not to have been injured by the flying shards of glass.

After they had evicted the occupants, the security guards, still with their
balaclavas decided to film anyone and everyone who came near the lakes.
Filming vehicle registration numbers and eavesdropping on conversations,
they were carrying out their patrols with gusto, disturbing the wildlife all
through the night during their regular passes and being intimidating to
people who were visiting the area.

A young man called Ant decided on eviction to do a vigil outside the house.
First of all for two days he sat on a chair. Then someone gave him a tent
and brought him some provisions. It seemed an act of kindness for someone
who felt that a protest had to be made. However, the continued stream of
people who supported Ant seemed to aggravate the NPOWER GOONS and soon
NPower obtained some sort of Court Order to stop anyone camping near their
property, carrying a rope or spike within a mile of the site, photographing
their workmen and security guards, and demanding that the people against who
the injunction was served should send a copy of the injunction which they
had received to everyone who supported the Campaign to Save the Lakes.

One of the people named on the injunction is a retired scientist who is
extremely law abiding and is at a loss to understand why his name should
appear on this paperwork. He did have an altercation with a Security Guard
who refused to let him pass down Thrupp Lane BOAT (Byway open to all
Traffic) saying it was a ByWay and he couldn’t drive his vehicle down it.

Anyone who visits the lakes is likely to be followed round by a pair of
burly security guards who are looking for the opportunity to have a
confrontation. Someone visited this morning and reported his path barred by
three security men from NPower, threatening that if he tried to go past
them, he was in breach of the “injunction” and they would have him arrested
because no one is allowed within 5 feet of a Security Guard or NPower’s