The Lappersfort forest has been okupied again,
and is now under eviction threat.

Come and stay if you like!
Aktion & Eviktion Practice Weekend 4-6 December

Lappersfort December 09 weekend flyerThe Lappersfort forest has been okupied again,
and is now under eviction threat.

Come and stay if you like!
Aktion & Eviktion Practice Weekend 4-6 December

In the dark chilly woods, a new wind is stirring; winter is moving in, and with the cold nights come a new band of pirates and elves tiptoeing their way between the trees.

After 14 months of okupation, and a pointless pact with the devil signed by 3 previous okupants stating that the forest should be voluntarily packed up by November the 30th, it seemed that the struggle to save the Lappersfort was coming to an end…

But all ends are new beginnings in disguise, and a new seed of mutiny has been sewn in the fertile soil of the forest.As long as it stands threatened, the Lappersfort will be okupied by humans to defend it.

Grown over the ruins of an old ammunitions factory, the Lappersfort forest stands as a symbol for the re-growth and re-wilding of nature and for the healing of the wounds left by industrial and suburban civilisation.

The action camp is as of now under direct EVICTION THREAT, and we are now busy with barrikading, digging in, and getting ready every way we can, while still trying to reach out for more humans to come and help protect this beautiful piece of forest from falling victim to another pointless project of the kapitalist death machine.

For a freespace in the woods and for the woods, for life and wilderness everywhere, Lappersfort stays until the bitter or better end……

On the weekend of the 4-6th of december (hoping that the camp still exists by then), there will be workshops on eviktion and aktion related stuff, including climbing, tunneling, lockons, freeclimbing etc. There will obviously be food and music, and we are still looking for individuals or bands to come and play, and other people with ideas for workshops are also wished for.

Lappersfort stays!