Reclaim the Power! Invite to protest camp

This summer, a wide coalition of people and groups are coming together to Reclaim the Power – join us.

This summer, a wide coalition of people and groups are coming together to Reclaim the Power – join us.

If you’re up for creating a more sustainable, equal society, we want you to join us. If you want to fight against the economic and environmental crises that governments and big business have created, we want you to join us. If you want to meet, plan and take action with a diverse range of groups and individuals who have shared goals, we want you to join us.

Reclaim the Power is going to be a 4 day action camp and protest at West Burton power station. West Burton is the first of up to 40 new gas fired power stations that are currently being planned. If they are built, the UK will definitely fail to meet our modest carbon reduction targets. This gives us a real opportunity to change the way our power is generated and controlled. The mainstream political parties want to tie us to fossil fuels for another generation. They want to allow energy companies to get ever richer whilst more and more people are forced to choose between heating and eating. We want a sustainable energy system that prioritises people, not profit. This is a huge decision and it’s happening now. Let’s Reclaim the Power and stop this Dash for Gas.

Last October, 21 environmental activists shut down EDF’s West Burton power station for a week in protest at the government’s Dash for Gas. With your help, including a solidarity petition signed by 64,000 people – they fought off EDF’s attempt to sue them for £5 million. 
And now we’re going back.

This summer, from 16th-20th August, over 1000 people will gather on the doorstep of the power station for a camp – including workshops and action planning – and a mass action. With your help, we will shut down the Dash for Gas.

Please share this callout with your networks.