reports of critical masses & London video

Another London Critical Mass police hassle.

Police routinely interfere with Critical Mass, holding up the front of the ride, targeting sound systems and sometimes ticketing riders. They also video and photograph riders at the start of every event. It is odd though that they never turn up for the December ride, which is close to the New year celebrations.

Another London Critical Mass police hassle.

Police routinely interfere with Critical Mass, holding up the front of the ride, targeting sound systems and sometimes ticketing riders. They also video and photograph riders at the start of every event. It is odd though that they never turn up for the December ride, which is close to the New year celebrations.

They just had to spoil it didn’t they. In what would have been a fast and fluid Mass with no holdups at junctions and the police providing useful corking, they decided to shut down a sound system in Park Lane, well outside the SOCPA zone, and hold up traffic by so doing. It is as if the police are desperate to assert their authority one way or another. Maybe they have difficulty trying to justify such a large police presence and expense on routine cycle rides. Luckily the sound system bod emerged from his unpleasant police encounter unscathed and with a smile on his face.

Video Part 1 – video/mp4 18M
Video Video part 2 – video/mp4 22M
The raw video is over two hours long and was made with a helmet cam. It has been edited down into two parts totaling 11 minutes.