reports of the Great Climate Swoop at Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal-fired power station

Climate change activists have hailed this weekend’s direct action as a “massive success” after repeatedly breaching the fence and spending 24 hours outside Ratcliffe coal-fired power station.

Ratcliffe fence downClimate change activists have hailed this weekend’s direct action as a “massive success” after repeatedly breaching the fence and spending 24 hours outside Ratcliffe coal-fired power station.

Three activists are said to have recovered from injuries suffered at the hands of the police, while one more activist is believed to still be in hospital after collapsing yesterday afternoon. Footage was released last night of a protester-medic aiding a policeman taken ill at the protest (1).
Ratcliffe in the woods
Activists gathered in various points on Saturday morning, swooping on the power plant in separate groups to arrive at 1pm. Within five minutes they had already broken down one of the perimeter fences and several had entered the plant.

On Saturday night around 300 activists pitched tents in two camps outside the gates, despite attempt by police to intimidate campers by standing next to the campsite in full riot gear. The police have confirmed 58 arrests, but there are believed to be more arrestees yet to be booked in. Further action is expected to take place today.

Natasha Blair from the Camp for Climate Action said: ‘We’ve achieved what we came here to do: to show that coal has no future and there is a growing movement which is prepared to take action on climate change.”

This weekend, activists from around the world met in Copenhagen to finalist plans for similar actions during the UN climate talks taking place in December. The Camp for Climate Action has announced that they will be joining other activists in the ‘Push for Climate Justice’, which aims to take over the talks for a day.

Natasha Blair continued: “In the run up to the UN climate talks in Copenhagen this December, acts of civil disobedience to confront big business and governments that are causing catastrophic climate change are gaining support.”


1. Find the full video at:

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Police videos of fence cutting and police being charged by fence.
Ratcliffe fence montage 1Ratcliffe fence montage 2
Our videos – fences coming down | 11 year old atop fence | to the fences | and others here

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Mainstream news coverage

Ratcliffe police lineNottinghamshire Police’s Chief Inspector has admitted that the figure of 80 people arrested during the first day of the climate swoop at Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station was not correct. In fact only 52 people were arrested.

Climate Activist Arrested in Run-Up to Coal Action on way back from meeting