Rising Tide Rooftop Protest at Newquay airport 15.12.07

Sometimes you’re lucky…

For the recently formed Kernow and Plymouth Rising Tide groups, yesterday marked an escalation in their fight against climate change and for environmental justice. However the planned rooftop protest at Newquay airport was given an unlikely boost when builders at the airport left a ladder propped up…which was just as well because ours broke!

Newquay Airport actionSometimes you’re lucky…

For the recently formed Kernow and Plymouth Rising Tide groups, yesterday marked an escalation in their fight against climate change and for environmental justice. However the planned rooftop protest at Newquay airport was given an unlikely boost when builders at the airport left a ladder propped up…which was just as well because ours broke!

Newquay airport specialises in climate-wrecking short haul flights and is an obvious legitimate target for environmental action. However, we were also raising the issue of a recent report into the airport which shows that the economic case for expansion is unsound.

Yesterday we arrived at the airport on the bus. We weren’t the most likely looking bunch, but as usual the place was pretty deserted and we were able to reach our chosen point to access the roof. However our ladder ( from a kid’s bunk-bed ) broke, leaving our birdman dangling comically. Luckily for us, the builders’ shiny new ladder was unattended, so we used that one instead! The birdman regained his footing and five activists occupied the roof. We had two big banners reading; NO PUBLIC DEBATE, NO PUBLIC DEMAND, ALL PRIVATE GAIN and NO MORE HOT AIR ON CLIMATE CHANGE.

We managed to get the press there before the police. When the police did arrive they were happy to let us have some coverage and even complete a TV slot before asking us to get down or get arrested. The five activists on the roof were supported with music, dancing and puppetry from the ground. We also had a media team and legal observer present.

We made local TV and radio headlines and expect good coverage in the local papers. All in all it was a fantastic day, if a bit nippy! For the groups involved it was an energising, empowering experience.

We are also arranging a public meeting about the expansion plans ( St. Mawgan Community Hall 12.1.08 at 7pm. ) and are hoping to get representatives from Grounswell and the airport alongside ourselves.
Here’s a link to a BBC report on the action; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cornwall/7146159.stm


Climate Activists Spotlight Newquay Airport

Climate activists from Rising Tide[1] have occupied Newquay airport today. The demonstrators are calling for an immediate halt to expansion of the airport[2] and a public debate on its future. With banners, leaflets and costumes – the peaceful protest calls attention to the airport as an obstacle to sustainable development in the County.

Aviation currently accounts for 13% of the UK’s contribution to climate change and is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions[3]. Newquay airport offers only domestic and short haul flights[4], condemned by MPs[5]. Flying does ten times more damage to the climate than taking the train[6], while destinations served from Newquay are easy to reach by train or coach[7].

This year we have seen the worst flooding in decades, from central Africa and South Asia to Yorkshire and Gloucestershire. Meanwhile, Greece, Italy and California have struggled with bush-fires in tinder-dry conditions. Despite these warnings, delegates at the UN climate talks in Bali continued to resist meaningful cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

Today’s demonstrators are also alarmed following the conclusions of a recent report[8] commissioned by Groundswell[9], which refutes the County Council’s claim that Cornwall’s future development depends upon expansion of the airport. The report concludes that the economic case for expansion of the airport is weak and that the airport’s current operating deficit of around one million pounds per year is met by Cornwall County Council[10], through higher council tax or cuts in services.

In light of the imminent problems of climate change and peak oil it is crucial that local government invest in sustainable public transport. A recent report by Visit Scotland concludes: “A tourism economy without a sustainable transport policy and system means less tourism in the long term” [11]

Substantial public funds must not be invested in a project which would increase Cornwall’s CO2 emissions and damage the local environment, under a plan which takes no account of rising oil prices. The expansion of Newquay airport must be stopped.


1. Rising tide is a global network of local groups, taking action against climate change and building a movement based on social and environmental justice.
2. Expansion plans, backed by…
3. 13% – from Answer to Commons Parliamentary Question 2 May 2007.
4. http://www.flightmapping.com/UK/Newquay/
5. The Battle of Newquay: Green lobby launches war to curb domestic flights
By Jonathan Brown and Ian Herbert
6. http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/tags/emissions
7. http://www.seat61.com
8. Newquay Airport Expansion The Case Examined
9. Groundswell is an independent group of Cornish decision makers
10. Newquay Airport Expansion: The Case Examined, Elizabeth Baines,
Commissioned by Groundswell Cornwall. Page 40.
11. Visit Scotland Research ( http://www.visitscotland.org),
Tomorrow’s World: Consumer and Tourist, vol. 2, no. 1, May 2006, page 12:

NB: Cornwall County Council became sole owners of the airport in 2004… Newquay Airport Expansion: The Case Examined, Elizabeth Baines, Commissioned by Groundswell Cornwall. Page 5.

NB: Rising Tide activists in Cornwall also took part in a recent national day of action to highlight the climate impact of RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) investments, RBS branded itself The Oil and Gas bank. The activists appeared with banners and leaflets outside the RBS branch in Truro.

kernow [at] risingtide.org.uk