Rossport round-up: come fight Shell with us

Day of Chaos against Shell at Aghoos Compound
A mass trespass stops work, one person on top of a digger for 4 hours

Day of Chaos against Shell at Aghoos Compound
A mass trespass stops work, one person on top of a digger for 4 hours

Today 25 people from Rossport Solidarity Camp sustained a barrage of actions against the site Shell is preparing for its tunnel boring machine. Despite 80 security and three vans of gardaí they were unable to keeps the protesters out. In the chaos that ensued one person got through the lines to d-lock themselves to one of the diggers and remained up there stopping work for 4 hours. Elsewhere other diggers had to stop working as protestors approached.

Con Coughlan, one of those who one of those who breached security said, “It was an incredible day. We pushed and pushed. No matter how many times they dragged us out we kept going back. People were coming from the back, others were launching themselves over the fences at the front.”

The day started at 2pm with three separate groups coming from different directions. From early on they began being carried out of the compound by private security, but this was no deterrent with people simply dusting themselves off and going back around. Despite their much greater numbers, security struggled to keep up with the constant pressure. Numerous weaknesses in the site perimeter were found and used to keep people coming in.

It was in a moment of chaos that one person found the opportunity to slip under a fence and made the dash for the nearest digger. Security, caught on the hop, despite holding off a number of other protesters, failed to stop her getting on top and using a d-lock she had brought with her to attach her neck to the roof section. She then settled down for a nap while the rest got on with the day. She was there for four hours and was not arrested.

Most of the work going on was to build the palisade fencing for the inner compound of the site. This is being supplied and installed by Shevlins Engineering.

Grainne Bradaigh , another of those who found a way in said, “We had fun. It was really very empowering. You could see how effective we were being from the way the workers were so frustrated. It was the first time I’ve done something like this, but I’m definitely up for it again. The gardaí were outside acting as private security for the tractors coming in, but there was nothing they could to do to stop us inside Shell’s compound.”

Actions have been taking place against Shell in co. Mayo all summer, opposing the construction of a pipeline that will pump high pressure gas through the beautiful Broadhaven Bay. It is part of a broader campaign by locals and those who support their efforts, that has been going on for ten years. Since May a camp has been established above the important site at Aughoose. It is open to all – if you are interested in coming along, please visit the website at

Double Barrel Concrete Lock-on Stops Shell

Monday 22nd August at 6am, two people locked their arms into concrete barrels in the road between Shell’s Ballinaboy refinery and the tunneling compound in Aughoose. The lock-on lasted for 7 hours, stopping all deliveries to the compound during that time.

Currently Shell are trying to set up a compound in Aughoose, 3km from the refinery at Ballinaboy. They are bringing in fencing, bogmats, steel girders and other equipment in order to secure the compound. Once it is secure Shell intends to remove 75,000 tonnes of peat from the bog. This bog is an important wetland habitat, home to frogs and newts and loads of diverse flora and fauna. After removing the peat they plan on bringing in the tunnel boring machine and begin the tunnel under the estuary for the onshore pipeline.

The concrete lock-ons were set up at 6am on Monday. As Shell normally begins deliveries to the compound from 7am, this 7 hour lock-on effectively stopped all deliveries for 6 hours.

The Garda cutting team which specialises in cutting protesters out of lock-ons and getting people down from high places, did not arrive until 9am. The first person was cut out of the first concrete barrel just before 11am. Within 15 minutes they began cutting the second concrete barrel to remove the second person. The second person was cut out just before 1pm, at which point the guards called Mayo County Council to clean up the mess of the cut up lock-on.

Local residents and the Rossport Solidarity Camp are doing continuous actions against Shell. If you’ve been meaning to come but just haven’t gotten around to it yet, come for a visit. There is plenty to do here including gardening, cooking, site maintenance, talking to locals or writing indymedia articles, as well as sitting in a lock-on if you like that kinda thing. The only way to really understand what is happening here is to come and see for yourself. The camp is located in a field in Aughoose overlooking the Shell compound, between Pullathomas and Ballinaboy.

To contact the camp, ring 085 114 1170 or email rossportsolidaritycamp[at]gmail[dot]com


Gardaí and Shell Security Work Hand in Hand Blocking Public Roads

An Garda Siochana and Integrated Risk Management Services (IRMS) policing the roads together

Monday 15th August at 9am a group of 12 people went down to Shell’s compound in Aughoose to stop work. Eventually Shell’s private security (IRMS) and the Gardaí began working together to police the roads and protect deliveries of equipment to the compound.

After about an hour of protesters maintaining a presence on the road and slowing the work of the diggers, Gardaí and IRMS formed a line containing protesters on the opposite side of the road from Shell’s compound. The private security have absolutely no jurisdiction on a public road, so they have no right to be containing and handling people.

At one point an IRMS manager gave orders to the Gardaí, telling them to back off and allow traffic to pass. Several cars were held up for at least 15 minutes while Shell delivered a new digger to the compound. In Shell’s traffic management plan it states that the public road will remain open at all times, however in the past few weeks we have seen IRMS closing the public road for up to 30 minutes at a time.

On Tuesday 16th August a group of people went down to the compound again to stop the work, this time entering the compound from around the side. Some people were carried or escorted by IRMS up to the public road, no arrests were made.

The protests are continuous, and people are needed to sustain actions. If you are thinking of visiting the camp, any time is a good time. The camp is located in a field opposite the Shell compound in Aughoose, between Ballinaboy and Pullathomas.

To contact the camp, ring 085 114 1170 or email rossportsolidaritycamp[at]gmail[dot]com


Some Expert Lorry Climbing Stops Shell

Between a mass trespass in the morning, someone blocking the road for 2 and ½ hours by climbing on top of a lorry, and a protest outside Shell’s Ballinaboy refinery, Thursday 11th August was a day full of blocking Shell.

Thursday 11th August at 10:30am about 20 people entered the compound in Aughoose which Shell is expanding in order to build the tunnel for the onshore pipeline. The diggers which are laying bogmats and erecting fencing retreated into the centre of the compound which is heavily guarded by IRMS, Shell’s private security force. Work was slowed for an hour and a half while people were on the site.

At 11:30am someone managed to climb on top of a lorry which was about to deliver fencing and girders to the compound. The halted lorry blocked the road so they were not able to bring anything else into the compound. Shell estimated they would be making 75 deliveries per day, today they managed about 10.

Just before 2pm the Garda public order unit showed up with their new toy, a cherrypicker. Sergeant Butler was driving it, and three public order Gardaí went up in the cage and pulled the person off of the steel girder he was sat on.

Once the road was cleared a few people went back down onto the compound and once again the diggers retreated and stopped working for about an hour.

To finish up the day, a group of people cycled to Shell’s Ballinaboy refinery for 6pm and stopped the last few tractors of the day from coming out, simply by sitting outside the gates and making tea. Then on the way home the cyclists delayed the IRMS shift change for almost an hour, until the Gardaí arrived and the cyclists went home for dinner.


Corrib Gas protest at Aughoose compound

At approx 6.40 am this morning, Wednesday 9th August, members of Rossport Solidarity Camp entered Shell’s pipe laying compound at Aughoose. Shell is attempting to extend its existing compound to facilitate the arrival of its tunnel boring machine. A total of about 70 I-RMS security guards removed 10+ protesters from the compound with force. Gardai were standing by to assist the I-RMS, however, they were faced with a difficult legal predicament: which law could they use to restrain or arrest a protester? Without the free reign of “public order” legislation, the Gardai could only reproach protesters if the private land owner, Shell, requested it.

One protester was arrested for refusing to give a name and address. Gardai are entitled to request a name and address only if the person in question is, within reason, suspected of breaking a law. In short, a garda must tell a person why he/she is requesting a name and address. The gardai were having difficulty locating such a reason. It is unclear whether or not Shell asked the Gardai to intervene. With the negative public relations image Shell has acquired for itself in Ireland due to the Corrib project, it is thought that Shell are reluctant take any court proceedings against protesters.

The IRMS was policing the entire road outside the Aughoose compound at various points. This writer has personally seen I-RMS security guards unlawfully act in a manner only warranted to police officers of the state. Despite assurances by Superintendent Pat Diskin who in an article written by Irish Times reporter, Lorna Siggins, denied claims by Shell to Sea that the private security company, I-RMS, was closing roads at Aughoose. This morning the I-RMS did block the road unlawfully. Rossport solidarity camp members, as well as members of the Gardai, witnessed these actions. Gardai are legally obligated to maintain the public order on all public highways at all times whenever possible. This morning I-RMS were exempt from the laws of the state.

Two protesters were assaulted by I-RMS security guards, with one of the protesters being punched in the face. Complaints have been made to the Gardai and statements have been given on the matter. Meanwhile, Rossport Solidarity Camp members stopped work this afternoon at Shrahmore peat deposition site from 4pm until 7pm. This is the second consecutive day that work in Shrahmore has been halted by protesters.

If you want to visit the camp there is plenty for everyone; join in the protests, or help in the garden, or help with site maintenance. The camp is located in a field in Aughoose, between Ballinaboy and Pullathomas. Ring the camp at 0851141170 or email at rossportsolidaritycamp[at]gmail[dot]com


Shell’s work at peat depot halted

Work was halted at Bord na Mona’s Shrahmore peat deposition site on Monday August 8th by protesters from Rossport Solidarity Camp. From 11am up until 6pm four protesters prevented Barrett’s and Lennon’s quarry trucks from entering the site with road building gravel. Inside the compound, two of the protesters climbed up onto a digger in order to stop it proceeding with the road construction on the site.

Shell oil company is planning to dig up 125,000 tonnes of peat from Shruwaddacon estuary and lay down a high pressure raw gas pipeline. The local community have not consented to Shell’s operations. The peat which Shell plans to dig up is scheduled to be dumped at Shrahmore. However, without the presence of adequate road networks within Shrahmore, the heavy peat dumping machinery cannot operate. By halting road building works at Shrahmore from proceeding, protesters are challenging the social, environmental and economic validity of Shell’s activities.

Meanwhile, it has also been announced today that Shell, Statoil & Vermilion have now extended their expected date for when Corrib Gas will flow to 2014. Every year it seems that they push their expected finish date out further and further. Originally the finish date was due to be 2003, so now the project would be 11 years delayed by Shell’s current guess:….html