rossport solidarity action at irish consulate in cardiff & Shell in London

Whilst the solitaire is in for repairs, we’d thought we’d remind the government that activists haven’t taken their eye off the ball. We also thought we would dedicate this action to Maura.

Cardiff Rossport solidarityWhilst the solitaire is in for repairs, we’d thought we’d remind the government that activists haven’t taken their eye off the ball. We also thought we would dedicate this action to Maura.

About 12 climate activists from the Westside (thats south wales, bristol & bath) occupied the irish consulate in cardiff for an hour or two today (wednesday 24th sept). About 5 got into the reception and altered the decorations, and demanded to see the consul, who wasn’t at home (to us anyway). Meanwhile, outside a banner previously used on the welsh pipeline campaign was held on the steps of the consulate, ignoring the ridiculously irate security chief :”calm down mate, we are only holding a banner”. Most staff from the building happily took leaflets.


Banner Dropped in Solidarity with Rossport & Maura

On Wednesday evening a women’s collective climbed 2 lampposts directly outside of Shell’s headquarters in London. After unfurling the banner the police came in large numbers and harassed the supporters on the ground. A lively protest ensued for about 20 minutes whilst the climbers stayed up and people on the ground chanted. Information was given to the folks walking near the area about Rossport & Shell’s campaign of destruction in County Mayo.

The police eventually managed to cut the banner down. The climbers were arrested and later released without charge.

We did this action to show support for the ongoing struggle of residents and supporters in Mayo to send Shell to Hell (or to Sea, depending on when and who). Since late 2000 there has been an on-going attempt by multi-nationals and the Irish state to destroy a beautiful remote coastal area in the county Mayo with a toxic refinery and high pressure production gas pipeline. The local residents and supporters have lead an inspiring and sustained campaign against this construction. In the last few weeks there has been a wave of action to stop the pipe-laying ship, the solitaire, from building. Included in this was the inspiring hunger strike of local school teacher Maura Harrington.

At the end of last week the solitaire left the bay for ‘essential repairs.’ Maura came off hunger strike and the campaign is working on ensuring that it does not come back. For more information see: