Rossport solidarity – Leeds, London, Bristol, Reading, Madrid, Ireland (Clare, Belfast) & at Bellanboy

Yesterday morning at 8am, a banner was hung over the A58 /Leeds Inner Ring Road in solidarity with the day of action against Shell’s plans for a gas pipeline & refinery in Mayo, Ireland.

Yesterday morning at 8am, a banner was hung over the A58 /Leeds Inner Ring Road in solidarity with the day of action against Shell’s plans for a gas pipeline & refinery in Mayo, Ireland.

The banner read:
Stop Shell Hell in Ireland


Activists construct ‘high pressure pipeline’ at Irish Embassy in London

Friday morning at 9.30 am, diplomats and passers-by were surprised to witness a “dodgy agreement” between a ‘Shell representative’ and ‘the Taoiseach’, and find a ‘pipeline under construction’ at the Irish Embassy in London. A group of activists had gathered at the Embassy to highlight and shame the Irish Government’s involvement with Shell in the construction of a high pressure raw gas pipeline at Rossport in County Mayo.

The demonstrators unveiled their banner: “Bertie Ahern: Shelling Ireland out!” In the style of Charlie Chaplin, activists dressed as Bertie Ahern and a Shell representative performed a series of ‘dodgy deals’. The Irish Taoiseach “begged” Shell to “Take ownership of our natural resources – for nothing!”, and offered Shell and other oil companies “100% of the profit” with “low taxation”, “garda oppression”, “false prosecutions of protestors” and “the opportunity to destroy EU-protected environments” as sweeteners. The aim of the performance was to draw to attention the irrationality of the government’s support of Shell’s construction of the dangerous and experimental pipeline in Mayo.

Anne-Marie O’Reilly, an activist at the embassy this morning, explained:

“I can understand why Shell would be in favour of these terms and wouldn’t have any objection to the garda baton charging peaceful protestors. But I cannot comprehend why the government would give away Ireland’s resources and allow the destruction of environment and community when there is no benefit to Irish people. Perhaps another story of corruption will emerge when it’s too late to stop the pipeline?”

The action coincided with the sit-down protest at the refinery in Bellinaboy and with ‘Shell to Sea’ solidarity actions in Brighton, Berlin and across Europe.


Bristol Rising Tide did a solidarity demo at the Shell Garage on Muller Road, Eastville, Bristol from 5:30 till 7:30. It was small but perfectly formed, with good leaflets (thanks to Rossport Solidarity posse) and banners (thanks to clever trevor).

Several drivers changed their minds and went elsewhere for their petrol when they saw us or spoke to us about what is going on in Rossport at Shell’s behest. We handed out leaflets at the zebra crossing, where bored and exasperated drivers were trapped in their little metal boxes carping, honking and scratching at each other like battery chickens. It gave them something to read in the extensive traffic jam that sat next to the garage.
Several Irish passers-by showed particular interest.

The forecourt was almost completely empty most of the time we were there, so we effectively shut it down without any police action or other such quotidian aggro.

Photos were taken and will appear shortly if fortune and our silicon masters smile upon us.

Our press release is below.


We are at the Shell petrol station on Muller Road in Bristol today (Sep 14th) occupying the forecourt in protest against Shell’s treatment of the people of Rossport, in County Mayo, Ireland.

From 6pm we will be there, in solidarity with the community of Rossport, who have been imprisoned, beaten and intimidated by the Irish police at Shell’s request.

We are activists from Bristol Rising Tide, a group who campaigns about climate change and human rights.

Shell want to build a dangerous and environmentally destructive gas pipeline and refinery right next to people’s houses on unstable marsh land. There is massive opposition in the local community and there has been support for their struggle across Ireland and internationally, with many Shell garages being targeted for demos.

In 2005, 5 men were jailed for 3 months for refusing to allow Shell access to their land. Following their imprisonment the community set up a picket at the proposed refinery site, stopping work for over a year. Last autumn, large numbers of police moved into the area and beat the community off the streets. Numerous people were hospitalized and the police brutality has been internationally condemned. More recently state repression has involved the initiation of malicious prosecutions against prominent local campaigners. Despite the strong forces working against them, the community continues to resist. We are here in support of their struggle.

Contact: Bristol Rising Tide 07988 460373 or 07983 350021

Notes for journalists

Major Criticisms of the Project

Unprocessed gas will be piped at uniquely high pressure levels, dangerously close to dwellings and through several SACs’ (special areas of conservation), supposedly under the protection of EU law.
The gas will be processed at a refinery within the catchment area of the local reservoir, Carrowmore lake, which provides the drinking water for 10,000 people.
An Taisce (The Irish National Trust) has stated that if the project goes ahead, Carrowmore Lake will eventually have to be closed as a source of drinking water.
The refinery will be a huge source of air and water pollution. Between 200,000 and 300,000 kg of methane (a major greenhouse gas) will be emitted annually, with the risk of vapor cloud explosions and acid rain.
The site will hold over 5000 tonnes of dangerous chemicals. Over 1500 tonnes of methanol (a highy toxic chemical) are expected to be ‘lost’ each year. This will be emitted, with the waste water, into
Broadhaven bay, “an important area for a number of marine mammal species and for other marine life” according to a report commissioned by Shell. The waste water would also contain heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury and cadmium. Any waste not pumped into the bay will drain instead into Carrowmore Lake.
The project will adversely impact on the livelihoods of the region’s farmers and fishermen due to the massive land, air and water pollution.
All the profits from the gas extraction will go directly to the oil companies, the Irish people will gain nothing.

Further information is available from:


On Friday 14th September, Reading Grassroots Action and others from around Reading took part in a picket of a lcoal Shell garage. This picket was made in solidarity with the anti-pipeline/refinery community struggle taking place in Rossport, Ireland.

We protested for about an hour on the forecourt, giving out many leaflets to drivers. The Police arrived just as we left.

The following leaflet was given out:


In County Mayo, Ireland, a business coalition led by Shell Oil – with the approval of the Irish government and full protection by the police – are planning to:

– Forcibly take land from local residents and build an experimental high pressure gas pipeline (at four times the usual pressure) running next to homes and destroying rare eco-systems. The pipe will run through boggy land with a history of landslides. In Mexico, a pipeline of lower pressure exploded, killing twelve people.

– Construct a gas refinery on unstable bog, using previously untried methods to stabilise the bog surface. Emissions from the refinery will badly pollute the nearby Carrowmore Lake, source of the regional water supply. Concrete being used in the construction has already been found to be faulty.

– Pump toxic waste into Broadhaven Bay, the source of local fishermen’s livelihoods. A research team found that Broadhaven Bay was an important breeding and rearing area for dolphins and whales.
Normal and best practice is to refine the gas offshore, bringing it ashore at much lower pressure. Yet, the government is happy with the danger to local people and is giving Irish gas away for practically nothing, forcing the Irish people to pay the costs. But things are not going to plan…

Shell hoped to have the whole thing up and running by 2003. Yet, with extraordinary courage, local people have protested, blockaded and refused to comply. To date, no work has been able to start on the pipeline, and hardly any work has happened on the refinery.

In 2005, five local farmers were jailed for not allowing Shell on their land, one farmer has suffered a stroke after intimidation by Shell contractors and in late 2006 extreme police violence was used against protestors. However, blockades by local people conitnue taking place every morning and last month, activists from UK took part in an occupation of the site, along with local people and others, stopping work for two hours. This is costing Shell millions!

Today is a day of action against Shell. About 200 people blockaded the refinery this morning by sitting in the entrance way. Roughly 170 then entered the site and stood on machinery to stop work. Unfortunately, riot police are once again protecting the corporation instead of citizens, and there has been heavy violence against peaceful protestors, and several brutal arrests. In spite of this, the sit-down blockade continued, stopping all deliveries to the site.

For more information please visit: and


There was a solidarity picket of the Irish Embassy in Madrid, organised by the Federación Anarquista Ibérica, the Iberian section of the International of Anarchist Federations ( They have also made up posters about Rossport, and carried articles in their monthly magazine, Tierra y Libertad.

I think the banner reads ‘Shell Destroys the State Complies’


Clare Rossport demo
Clare Shell to Sea Picket – 14th Sept ’07.

In Solidarity with Mayo and today’s Sit-Down Protest at Bellanaboy.

It’s been clear for the last 2 years that the argument against the Shell Corrib Gas Project is won.

And the amount of cars beeping their horns in Ennis this evening is testament to the support for Shell to Sea, genuinely.

The Government continue in their refusal to debate the arguments and negotiate a settlement, and they persist in using force against the protests at Bellanaboy, a protest that has gained national and international support and recognition as … LEGITIMATE & JUST.

Greens – You have buried your heads in the Fianna Fáil mire. Yoy are complicit now. You are proving yourselves to be unreliable and unworthy of trust. The Green Party pumps for Shell.

email clareshelltosea at gmail dot com
phone 085 1607287
Belfast Rossport demo
Solidarity Shell picket in Belfast
Friday September 14, 2007

Belfast Shell to Sea organised a picket of the Shell station in Andersonstown today in solidarity with the national mobilisation in Bellanaboy in Mayo.

Over a dozen activists took part in the picket and distributed leaflets to passing motorists and pedestrians, and received a lot of honking from cars showing their support. Despite it taking place during rush hour and the road being extremely busy, the forecourt of the station was left deserted for most of the time the picket was on.

email shelltoseabelfast at gmail dot com

Bellanboy September 07 blockade
News from protest at Rossport

Text message from the site of proposed refinery reports at 7.30 ” good turn out, over 200 so far, no trucks through the main gates and low police presence”.


– 8:28
Between 50-120 have just stormed the main gate of the refinery and are heading up the central road to where the machinery is working.

– 8:40
Protesters have gone through the second gate and are on the main site.

– 8:50
Text received from the protest:
“They kept the machines going until the last minute, people are standing on a drilling machine, most work stopped, protesters and cops wandering around enormous site”.

– 8.59
” Two arrests, one badly beaten, getting pushed out pretty aggressively’

– 9:34

The are now over 150 people occupying refinery site. There have been 7 detentions with peaceful protestors being assaulted by several Gardaí who were not in the usual uniform…

At least two protestors were seriously assaulted and taken away.

– 9.47: “Riot police out in force. Protest cordoned off. batons out and lots injured. Three arrested so far”.

– 10:00
Site has been cleared by Public Order Unit with some brutality. Arrestees appear to have been released in Belmullet or along the road.

There’s a sit down protest outside the gate with approximately 170 protestors being ringed by a large force of the country’s finest.

Reports coming in of cops screaming to each other to’break their fucking arms’ with a lot of kicking and punching going on (obviously directed at the peaceful protestors). several cops really went for it but we’ve recorded good video evidence. Cameras and tape are being hidden to avoid a repeat of the incident last year at Lennon’s quarry where a video camera was taken and smashed by the cops.

One fairly serious assault to report and possibly 2 or 3 protestors unaccounted for…

– 10:42
A number of those arrested were released either outside the gates of the main site or once they reached Belmullet. It is unclear as to whether people have been charged or not.

There is a sit down protest outside the gate once more with 170 – 200 protestors being ringed by a large force of the country’s finest.