sabotage to save Khimki forest, Russia

reported by activists in Russia:

"Russia. Khimki forest (north of Moscow). Construction vehicles torched, tree-cutter assaulted, his arm broken.

reported by activists in Russia:

"Russia. Khimki forest (north of Moscow). Construction vehicles torched, tree-cutter assaulted, his arm broken.

Unknown activists have torched several construction vehicles and assaulted tree-cutter at the new toll highway construction site in Khimki forest. These news appeared in joint declaration, published by state enterprise “Avtodor” and “North-Eastern concession” (subsidiary of Vinci). The accidents happened on nights of 19.07 and 21.07.
“Avtodor” representatives stated that an assault on tree-cutters took place on 19.07: one of the workers tried to prevent eco-activists from entering the construction site. In the following fight his arm broke.
On the night of 21.07 special construction vehicles were torched: several brand new harvesters and hydraulic excavator were completely destroyed by fire. Material damage is estimated to be over $ 2 000 000.
Earlier the same companies filed a complaint about unknown people opening fire on construction vehicles (supposedly from “Saiga”, a civil 12-mm carbine) and torching workers sheds with molotovs.
Eco-activists present at the site of eco-camp near the construction failed to provide police with evidence or ideas about the nature of perpetrators."

reported on From Russia With Love:

"On the night of 20-21 july, after having received news of new tree-cutting activity in Khimki forest, we decided to visit the workers. We aimed for 2 trucks and excavator parked on the clear cut. They were completely destroyed.

Our solidarity goes out to eco-activists who broke the arm of private guard who was guarding the clear cut (this piece we learned from news).

Enough of pseudo-legalism!

Do like us, do better than us.
– Autonomous autonoms

video footage of the action:"