Scottish Climate Camp 3-10 August – details

“Global ecosystems are in collapse, species extinction is unparalleled in human history and dangerous climate change is a reality affecting us all. There is no time to act but now. Join us 3-10 August for a week of low-impact living and high-impact direct action.”

Camp for Climate Action Scotland flier“Global ecosystems are in collapse, species extinction is unparalleled in human history and dangerous climate change is a reality affecting us all. There is no time to act but now. Join us 3-10 August for a week of low-impact living and high-impact direct action.”

The camp will be set up somewhere around the Firth of Forth in central scotland – surrounded by coal-fired power stations, gas and oil refineries, coal ports, open cast coal mines, corporate HQs, an airport, a nuclear power station, a cement factory and oil terminals.

This camp will cut carbon emissions. Climate Camp Scotland will raise the profile of direct action in Scotland, showing that the nature of the climate crisis is such that we no longer have time to wait for our political and business ‘leaders’ to act for us.

In addition, we aim to radicalise the political analysis of climate change and its solutions, placing it within a wider political context of social change and the reshaping of society towards more egalitarian and libertarian values.

Join us in August to take action against the root causes of climate change!

Camp for Climate Action Scotland benefit flier
Fundraiser 4th June:

2 DEGREES 2 HOT – A night of Revolutionary Hip-Hop!

Thursday 4th June, 11-3am at the Bongo Club

Support us by coming to the Bongo Club in Edinburgh (37 Holyrood Road) on Thursday 4th June for great music, a great night out and raising money for our summer of direct action!

Acts confirmed so far: Radical performance and poetry by Tickle, Burning Bright, Mechanical Beast, Lifeshows, 1sp and DePTHS!

Camp for Climate Action Scotland Boiling Over gathering poster
Boiling Over – Scotland’s Gathering for Climate Action: 11th – 14th June, The Phoenix Centre, Glasgow

Boiling Over will be a space for thought, analysis, learning, movement building, training and creativity. Ultimately, we hope to develop a strategy for stopping climate change from within Scotland.

Social Change not Climate Change

Despite years of rhetoric about Climate Change Bills, Kyoto Protocols, Technofixes and Sustainability, CO2 emissions are still rising, ecosystems are still collapsing and society is as unequal as ever. This is testimony to the fact that we need to take matters into our own hands and find bottom up solutions to climate chaos.

What’s happening?

The programme will include four days of talks, film showings and discussion, culminating in planning and visioning sessions. We will skill-share practical skills such as cooking for large numbers of people and direct action trainings which will lay the foundations for the Camp for Climate Action happening in Scotland from 3-10 of August.

Boiling Over header
Come along!

The space will be a safe, accessible and open environment, free from oppression, hierarchy and discrimination. Food and accommodation will be provided.

Register early!

Register and donate early to help us plan and fund Boiling Over.
Download the Registration Form from our website and post it back to us, or email your information to and make your donation online.

If you would like to see a particular workshop/discussion/filmshowing/etc happen or would like to facilitate one please get in touch and send an email to *climatecampscotland [at]*
Camp for Climate Action Scotland header