Saturday saw 700 people from all over this island, as well as many other parts of the world, gather in Huntiungdon for a march and demo against the concentration camp that is Huntingdon Life Sciences. The people of Huntingdon showed much support for the march, which was the first in the town for over four years, following changes to the existing injunction. Following the march we all moved on to the lab itself, which with its rows of fences and razor wire looks like the death camp that it is. Various speakers gave moving and passionate speeches, vowing to continue the campaign until this barbaric, abhorrent facility is closed. Despite the jailing of the three leading activists in SHAC, political prisoners of a government only interested in protecting vested finacial interest no matter the cruelty, this demo showed that the campaign is stronger than ever. We will never give up our action in defence of the Earth and all Life.

Saturday saw 700 people from all over this island, as well as many other parts of the world, gather in Huntiungdon for a march and demo against the concentration camp that is Huntingdon Life Sciences. The people of Huntingdon showed much support for the march, which was the first in the town for over four years, following changes to the existing injunction. Following the march we all moved on to the lab itself, which with its rows of fences and razor wire looks like the death camp that it is. Various speakers gave moving and passionate speeches, vowing to continue the campaign until this barbaric, abhorrent facility is closed. Despite the jailing of the three leading activists in SHAC, political prisoners of a government only interested in protecting vested finacial interest no matter the cruelty, this demo showed that the campaign is stronger than ever. We will never give up our action in defence of the Earth and all Life.