Shell to Sea Pirates begin Week of Action against Shell’s Solitaire

August 17 2008
Today at noon a flotilla of sea kayaks reclaimed Glengad beach, Pollathomas, Co Mayo; the landfall site for Shell’s offshore pipeline.

Shell flotilla, MayoAugust 17 2008
Today at noon a flotilla of sea kayaks reclaimed Glengad beach, Pollathomas, Co Mayo; the landfall site for Shell’s offshore pipeline.

Members of the ‘Great Rebel Raft Regatta’ recently deployed at the E.ON coal fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent, England, have made their way from Climate Camp UK to Erris, in order to assist Shell to Sea campaigners in their opposition to this pipeline construction at Glengad.

The first wave of the Rebel Regatta arrived today following Marine & Public Information Notices which announced the arrival of the world’s largest pipe-laying vessel, the Solitaire, in Broadhaven Bay, any time from today onwards.

Captain Ahab of the Rebel Crew states, “It’s unacceptable what Shell are being allowed to get away with here in Mayo. We intend to plunder Shell’s compound at Glengad and board the Solitaire when she arrives in the bay. We take no prisoners. It’s the gang-plank for these boys. This environment needs protection from these marauders of Shell’s.”

Today’s action marks the start of a Shell to Sea Week of Action targeting the Solitaire. Actions will take place all this week until the ship is forced, like in 2005, to ‘go out the same way she came in’.

Shell moved quickly onto the public beach, a Special Area of Conservation, just a few short weeks ago with diggers, fences, security personnel and Gardaí. Local residents were forcibly removed from the area and arrested for their opposition to this work. Given that no approval or permission exists for Shell’s newly proposed onshore pipeline route, which is currently under consideration by An Bord Pleanala, it beggars belief that the ‘authorities’ allow this premature pipeline construction work to go ahead at Glengad at this time. A perfect example of ‘project splitting’, sanctioned and encouraged by government and State authorities.

Shell to Sea intends to ensure that no pipeline construction takes place on or offshore at Glengad. Had the Solitaire arrived today as planned, we were ready for her. And we are ready for her whenever she decides to come, tomorrow, the next day or any day. We understand that weather has delayed the Solitaire but Shell are confident that she will arrive by midweek at the latest.

In the meantime there are some unresolved issues at the Shell Compound and ‘Security Zone’ on the beach which we intend to resolve in the meantime. In other words, there is plenty for people to be doing here when they come.

People are already travelling to Erris to support this Week of Action against Shell. All are welcome at the Rossport Solidarity House, to visit and to stay, and to join us in our plans ensure that no raw gas ever flows to Bellanaboy. Today was just the start. Let’s continue to organise together throughout the week and always.

Get your asses to Erris … and remember … we are never as strong as when we come together in the fight, on the streets, in the fields, on the beach or on the high seas!