Shell to Sea Two and half years later and still going strong! October 12th day of action

In 2005 small west of Ireland community became the focus of attention of the people in Ireland. Five small farmers in Rossport Co Mayo (one the most remote and isolated places in Northwest Europe) had stood up to a multinational conglomeration of Shell, Statoil and Marathon in fear they would die if Shell built their unprecedented on shore refinery.

In 2005 small west of Ireland community became the focus of attention of the people in Ireland. Five small farmers in Rossport Co Mayo (one the most remote and isolated places in Northwest Europe) had stood up to a multinational conglomeration of Shell, Statoil and Marathon in fear they would die if Shell built their unprecedented on shore refinery.

The Irish State’s reaction to this was to indefinately imprison them. This transpired to be 94 days at which point Shell decided it was doing more harm than good by imprisoning as there was a series of direct actions and mass demonstration in their defence In the weeks running up to this some activists made contact with community activists and started a national Shell to sea campaign. The unbelievable story of what was going on in the west of Ireland was spread through Europe through the meeting of activists at the G8 in Sterling in July 2008.

The story is quite unbelievable. Shell and their partners are attempting to destroy an unspoilt part of the west Ireland, by running a dangerous pipeline through the village of Rossport to an inland refinery that will spew hundreds of thousands of tonnes of methane each year in the local environment. On top of this they are effectively robbing the people in Ireland of €51 billion of Irish gas through a dodgy deal cut with corrupt politicians that at the time was called “economic treason”.

But lots of things are wrong and why should people all across the world we focus on this? Well its simple- we can win and if we do the effects will be immense as a precedent will have been set that will not only effect Ireland but Europe and beyond.

So what happened since 2005 and where are we now?

Traditional sectarianism was put aside and activists of different backgrounds worked together forming what the media would later bill “the looney alliance of anarchists and republicans”. Throughout the summer of 2005 and until the late summer of 2006 things worked very well as constant pickets shut down Shell’s operation in Mayo and pressure mounted on Shell and the Irish State.

Then at the end of September 2006 the State and Shell made their move. Over 200 gardai (Irish police) were billeted to Mayo. The top cop said he would have the protests finished in 48hours. The community and national campaigns response was immense. Picketing went on through the night incase the Gardai tried
to cordon activists away from the site. On the night of the second of October the cops eventually turned out in force. In an effort to maintain the year and half long picket cars were parked blocking the refinery and behind them the community sat in front of the gates. In area with lowest crime rate in Ireland 200 Gardai pulled and dragged community residents from the gates hospitalising two.

This lead to a surge in activity with much campaign activity around the country and internationally, focused on days of action in Rossport. The Garda reaction to these days of Action was violent culminating in a baton charge on November the tenth. The campaign then in the face of what seemed like more violence cancelled a proposed day of action on the 24th of November 2006. Many saw this as decisive moment for the campaign as momentum passed out of our hands. Everyone realised the folly of
it, but as with a lot of things in Shell to Sea it is a learning process. Now it seems it was not as decisive as it seemed as things build again.

This summer the campaign burst back to life by victoriously opposing shell’s attempt to install cabins for works in the bay – read more. This was followed with a very intense week which saw three fishermen including Pat “the chief” O Donnell and his son and a friend imprisoned, the site was shut down for a day. On the fishermen’s release
an invasion of the construction site took place. Over September there have been three site invasions and two days with numerous people blockading traffic attempting to access the site – read more.

All this occurred in the run up to the day of action on September 14th unique in that it had a pre-announced plan. The plan was simple – go there and sit on the road and no vehicles get on site. The run-up to the day was nervous. The big question was- could Shell to Sea with its national support in town (or countryside rather) reassert the right of ordinary people over multinationals in Erris and really push forward the already building momentum behind the campaign. The conditions were certainly right- Shell were and still are running into enormous problems as building has virtually come to a standstill due to poor quality concrete, constant protest and the lack of a pipeline route. On Friday the 14th about 150 – 200 people turned from around the country and this was matched by a sizeable mayo turnout.

The total protestor turnout was matched by a sizeable Garda presence. As the protestors shut down the main entrance to the site with the sit down the Gardai thought they would be clever and direct traffic around the sit down and bore us to tears. After this long you would imagine the cops would realise Shell to Sea is a little more on the ball than this. In the lack of the any trucks to meet protestors we decided to go and take a look and shut the site down. So it was up, over, under and through the gate as the protest made little a secondary gate as well (especially constructed for the day) – read more. The Gardai responded with their usual heavy handed tactics. Regardless of Shell’s rubbish spin, RTE’s (Irelands state broadcaster) desperate attempts to placate Shell and and the gardai’s official line it was plain to see who had won the day and that the train is firmly back on the tracks.

It’s undoubted that Shell to Sea is not yet at the dizzying heights it was at 12 or 24 months ago. However things are moving in a similar direction at the moment. We have learned the mistakes of placing too much faith in politicians to pull a deal out the hat. With this knowledge it could just be third time lucky for Shell to Sea.

Throughout this period the impact on solidarity from the England Scotland and Wales has had an enormous effect. It has been instrumental in keeping the solidarity camp continuing through people coming staying a week or a year, fundraising and donations have also allowed the camp to expand. Hospitality to campaign speakers was always second to none. Above all the impact that people coming has had a profound impact on the moral of people in Rossport. They launched their opposition in 1999 and it took six years to get National attention and then immediately people in the UK, once they heard, took up the challenge. There is still more people from the UK have to offer this struggle.

Another day of Action has been called for October the 12th as the situation is heating up as the pressure mounts up on Shell and political pressure on the greens. These days of Action will not work
on there own – if you cant travel we all need to be active in our communities organising meetings, postering and raising the issue where possible. These days are however crucial to pile on the pressure –
showing in a visible robust way the level of opposition to this project and highlighting the brutality of what is an everyday occurrence in Rossport.

At this stage many of us are scratching our heads as to why mayo people can’t do this at the height of summer but then again what else would you be doing on windy Friday morning in October? Ok fair enough we all do but it will certainly be worth it to force this to its logical conclusion after 8 years. For us it’s a few days of a trip to Rossport for others it’s the highlight and morale booster in a 8 year struggle that must and will end soon When people arrive its intensely appreciated as it shows they are not struggling on their won and people care. What are you doing on October the 12th? Organise a picket at the Irish embassy or a Shell filling Station or their headquarters. Or if possible travel to Rossport. Travel to Dublin for Thursday at six and book a ticket on the Dublin buses. Book early though. Come you need a holiday!
(for tickets phone or text 0851609850 in Dublin) Cork – or call 0851141170 for general info.,