Shell to Sea Update

Dear Friends,
Hope this email finds ye well. Here is a brief update on the current situation:

Dear Friends,
Hope this email finds ye well. Here is a brief update on the current situation:

1. Shell activity in the area is ramping up lately and if you are thinking of visiting the area we would call on you to do it over the next few weeks as help in resisting the work that is listed below is needed. You are always more than welcome to stay at the new camp house; email us ( or phone 0851141170 to say when you can come. Check out our new website too:

2. Shell plan to start offshore pipeline laying shortly as the Soltaire (pipe laying ship) is currently off the coast of Donegal. Shell have also been visiting houses lately around Glengad where the pipeline is due to come ashore saying that there would be some digging and noise disturbance in the area shortly. However they have hit a hitch with the Erris Fishermen as this week they had a protest to object to where Shell are placing their waste outflow pipe. Pat O Donnell said “We’ve been fishing these waters for generations and we all have licences to fish them. So let the Minister for Justice and the Government protect our rights now the way they brought in the Gardaí to protect the workers on the gas refinery,”
He added that if Shell wanted to remove his crab pots from the route of the pipeline, they would have to get a court order. “And I won’t heed the court order so they’ll have to send me and other fishermen to jail”. Read a report of it here

2. Shell have begun working on their compound in Glengad by starting to put in security fences which are in order that work will be able to begin on some of the offshore work. (See pictures here Most of this work occurs on a Special Area of Conservation with some of the fencing only about 200m from where the camp was. This work is almost certainly illegal as planning permission has still not been granted for any of the onshore pipeline. But the powers that be are ignoring all attempts to highlight the situation and letting Shell operate as they wish. Two people were arrested in the last week on the site but were released without charge.

3. Shell security: There is now a new security firm operating in the area on behalf of Shell. Over the last week Shell have got some seriously bad press over the surveillance and intimation of local residents which included the filming of families and children on glengad beach (see: Now anyone who visits the area and goes for a swim in the sea just beside where the camp used to be, the chances are you will be filmed. Today Shell were put under pressure on national radio to identify the security firm but refused to do so, making it obvious that Shell have something to hide as to who the firm is (it is rumoured locally that it is the Golan group). However even these heavies need protecting as evidenced by how the gardaí escorted them off when the full security bus was stopped by locals for failing to display any tax or insurance but this infringement was as usual ignored by the gardaí.

4. Mayo County Council building a road for Shell. The local authority is building a road through the area specifically for Shell against the wishes of the local people. It shows how invidious the Shell mentality is, as now you have council employees going around bribing and threatening local residents to give permission for the council to widen the road. So far these bribes and threats have only swayed one or 2 of the landowners and the local resident are fighting the road upgrade through legal channels. (See

There is also alot of other stuff going on, such as Shell being stopped from accessing Rossport commonage lately, loads of submissions gone into the planning applications and a European Petitions Challenge. As always we need help with everything from direct actions, to banner making, to helping out on the camp garden so please visit if you have time to spare. Also big thanks to the people in Leeds for the recent camp fundraiser.

Anyway see all the latest campaign news on

Hope to see some of ye soon.

Best wishes from the Rossport Solidarity Campers x