Sleazyjet and Fryinair Take on BIA

Climate Camp Pedal Express to Leave Bristol Sat. 10am fountains

We’re on our way to Heathrow climate camp cycling 130 miles from Bristol to London. Today- the 10th of August we held a tremendously successful demonstration outside BIA. As you can see, Sleazyjet and Fryin’air gave BIA officials a run for their money, with over 12 interviews by local media throughout the day. Many people hooted their support including a DHL fuel tanker driver. A BIA airport bus driver even stopped his bus in the middle of the roundabout and gave us a bag of fruit. Then the hot air balloons of Bristol were rising as we rode back into town, excited about our Saturday send off from the fountains in the cenrtre of Bristol. HEAThrow here we come!

Wings 1Wings 2Climate Camp Pedal Express to Leave Bristol Sat. 10am fountains

We’re on our way to Heathrow climate camp cycling 130 miles from Bristol to London. Today- the 10th of August we held a tremendously successful demonstration outside BIA. As you can see, Sleazyjet and Fryin’air gave BIA officials a run for their money, with over 12 interviews by local media throughout the day. Many people hooted their support including a DHL fuel tanker driver. A BIA airport bus driver even stopped his bus in the middle of the roundabout and gave us a bag of fruit. Then the hot air balloons of Bristol were rising as we rode back into town, excited about our Saturday send off from the fountains in the cenrtre of Bristol. HEAThrow here we come!