Social Justice Centre, Birmingham

The Justice not Crisis, Social Justice Centre is preparing a programe of activities for the New Year including a Bingo Night, a Freeshop, Coffee Morning, and drop in Advice service where people will be on hand to give advice on Housing Applications, benefits, and much more…. Come along and get involved…..

The LibraryThe Justice not Crisis, Social Justice Centre is preparing a programe of activities for the New Year including a Bingo Night, a Freeshop, Coffee Morning, and drop in Advice service where people will be on hand to give advice on Housing Applications, benefits, and much more…. Come along and get involved…..

Information can be found on our website (diary of Activities)

Our new videos highlighting our campaign to build more socially rented & Council Homes can be found on our website
follow link above.

They are also posted on youtube : Justice not Crisis The Movie The setting up our our Land Squat with some humour!!

Justice Not Crisis The Movie Part 2 Shows the Setting upm of The Social Justice Centre in The derelict Firebird Pub again with some humour !!Social Justice Centre, Birmingham some of the activities...