Solidarity actions for imprisoned liberationists

Italy, Mexico, Spain & UK
Solidarity actions for; Paola Gori, Jeff Luers & Sean Kirtley

Communiques reported to Bite Back Magazine: 15th – 19th June:

Italy, Mexico, Spain & UK
Solidarity actions for; Paola Gori, Jeff Luers & Sean Kirtley

Communiques reported to Bite Back Magazine: 15th – 19th June:

anonymous reports:

30th May – h 21.00 – Mountains of Emilia Region, Italy.
We set on fire a hunting tower placed in a wood populated by boars.
We have destroyed it with two liters of gasoline ignited by a retardant primer.
– A.L.F. –

Night of 5th June – Emilia Region, Italy.
A small chicken farm was visited again (see the communique of last month).
We have liberated one cock (the only male present) and slashed the tires of the car of the farmer.
– A.L.F. –

These actions are dedicated to Paola. She is a vegan, animal rights activist, prisoner in ‘Le Sughere’ Italian jail.
Please write* and support her.
Also, please support the victims of state repression in Italy and Austria.
Freedom for all!
Liberta ‘per tutti!”

received anonymously (translation):

“On the night of June 14 (International day in support of the earth liberation warrior Jeffrey Luers and all radical environmental prisoners), the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front got together and went to the doors of one of the many companies guilty in the domination, destruction and extermination of the earth and its living beings.

Various slogans were painted such as ‘No More Vivisection,’ ‘ALF,’ ‘No HLS,’ ‘Support Jeffrey,’ ‘Murderers’ and others which attacked the company Unilever which shares property with DHL (an HLS supporter). Now as one passed through these modern-day extermination camps, one can read the slogans of the FLA and FLT on most of its walls.

Compañero Jeffrey we know about your situation and it gives us great pleasure to know that soon you’ll be out here on the front line fighting again like you’ve done before. We hope that those bars and life in prison leave you with even more strength to continue.

To all those radical environmentalist prisoners, an embrace from Mexico.

For Animal Liberation!
For Earth Liberation!
For Human Liberation!
Direct Action!


excerpt from anonymous report:

“In support of Jeffrey Luers and the struggle for animal liberation
During the early hours of June 14, the locks of every fur shop in the Bilbao city center were glued, in support of this prisoner and many others, and in general of the struggle for animal liberation.”

reported anonymously:

“Activists in the North West decided to ‘pimp’ a hunt scums ride.

The car was easy to find as it had both the pro-hunt ‘Felix Says’ sticker and a BASC (Shooting) sticker in the rear window. The BASC sticker sealed the car’s fate, the Judge in the Sean Kirtley case was into shooting and a member of BASC. The car had paint stripper applied, spray paint over the windows, windscreen wipers wrecked and one wing mirror smashed. Looked really pretty once we’d finsihed.

If the owner wants compensation then they should write to Judge Ross and NETCU. It’s the criminalisation of legal protest that has caused this.