Solidarity with Japanese anti-nuclear protests

Sixteen anti-nuclear protesters – half of them Japanese – gathered outside the Japanese embassy in Piccadilly, London on Friday morning (10 August), for the second week running, in a demonstration organised by London-based group Kick Nuclear.

Sixteen anti-nuclear protesters – half of them Japanese – gathered outside the Japanese embassy in Piccadilly, London on Friday morning (10 August), for the second week running, in a demonstration organised by London-based group Kick Nuclear. This was in solidarity with weekly demonstrations taking place outside the Prime Minister's offices in Tokyo and elsewhere in Japan against the restarting of nuclear reactors as the Fukushima crisis continues. The weekly numbers taking part in those protests have now swelled to well over 70,000.


All images are Copyright (c) 2012 Kick Nuclear, but may be reproduced free of charge for non-commercial use if credited. For larger, high resolution versions, please e-mail. More photos

See also:

film of anti-nuke protest at japan embassyby Rikki

Upcoming actions and events:

– Friday 17 August, 9.30-11.30am – Anti-nuclear solidarity protest at Embassy of Japan, 101-104 Piccadilly, London W1:

– 23 August – 1 September – Buddhist-led peace walk towards a nuclear-free future, Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment, Berkshire to Hinkley Point nuclear power station, Somerset.

– Tuesday 28 August, 7.30-9.30pm – Kick Nuclear open night

– with guest speaker from Indian anti-nuclear movement

Venue: London Action Resource Centre (LARC) – (ground floor)
62 Fieldgate Street, (corner of Parfett Street), Whitechapel, London E1 1ES
Nearest Stations:- Whitechapel / Aldgate East / Aldgate / Shadwell: Map

This event is open to new folks and old hands alike to come and discuss the latest from the murky world of nuclear energy and nuclear new build, share news about protests and actions that have been taking place in the UK and elsewhere, and plot how we can put a few spanners in the works.

Come and join us!

– Tuesday 25 September – Benefit gig: David Rovics – Songs of Social Significance, with support from The Noo and Mr Creedy – presented by Kick Nuclear and friends

Doors 7pm
Tickets: £5 on the door

Venue: London Action Resource Centre (LARC) – (ground floor)
62 Fieldgate Street, (corner of Parfett Street), Whitechapel, London E1 1ES
Nearest Stations:- Whitechapel / Aldgate East / Aldgate / Shadwell

(Listen to and download David Rovics songs for free at )

– Stop New Nuclear camp and mass action against nuclear new build at Hinkley Point, Somerset, 5-8 October 2012.