Stop Heathrow Expansion: Terminal 5 flashmob


11am on the dot, Thursday 27 March
International Arrivals (Ground Level), Heathrow Terminal 5

T5 flashmob flier front smallON THE OPENING DAY OF HEATHROW TERMINAL 5

11am on the dot, Thursday 27 March
International Arrivals (Ground Level), Heathrow Terminal 5

Be at T5 International Arrivals at 11am to put on (or strip to reveal) your brightly coloured ‘STOP AIRPORT EXPANSION’ t-shirt: a visible presence of public opposition to the madness of airport expansion. Wander round for a bit, have a coffee, leave when you like.

ORDER YOUR FREE T-SHIRT TODAY: or 0845 458 2564.

The Government and BAA see the opening day of Terminal Five – the biggest terminal ever built in the UK, and the subject of the longest Public Inquiry in British history – as an opportunity to put the case for further airport expansion. Join the flash mob* on 27 March to highlight the real problems that airport expansion causes: climate change, noise, air pollution and community destruction.

Download the flyer

* Flash Mob: ‘A large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief period of time, then quickly disperse’ (Wikipedia).

PLEASE NOTE: Almost everything is against the Heathrow byelaws, but wearing a t-shirt is not a crime. So as long as you’re not demonstrating, you’re not breaking the law!