Stop the tree destruction! December 20, 2012

Update at 10am, Thursday 20 December: Tree defenders are now high in trees just north of Glover’s Farm Bridge TN39 5AJ, in Bexhill. Security present. Any support appreciated!

Update at 10am, Thursday 20 December: Tree defenders are now high in trees just north of Glover’s Farm Bridge TN39 5AJ, in Bexhill. Security present. Any support appreciated!

Tree-felling is continuing at the Bexhill end (see report from today below), and protestors are encouraged to gather tomorrow, Thursday, from 7am in Sidley TN40 2LH, near Glover’s Farm, to keep peacefully resisting. However tree defenders should also be aware of trees at risk near Adam’s Farm and Decoy Pond in Crowhurst, and hence try and keep a watch throughout the valley. If you want to receive info and action updates through the day tomorrow (Thursday) text us on 07926423033.

Work began in Sidley again today, Wednesday 19th Dec, as security guards and their ubiquitous Harris fencing crept northwards up the disused railway, giving the chainsaw crews space to do their dirty work unobstructed by the small numbers of protestors present.

One early bird protestor dropped by on the way to work and put anti-road posters up all along the hoardings by the A269 bridge.

Tree defenders maintained a presence across the valley, monitoring for signs of activity in the vicinity of Upper Wilting Farm, Adams Farm (where a small number of Environment Agency people were again at work on what’s believed to watercourse maintenance not related to road building), Acton’s Farm and Glover’s Farm. The valley remains just about passable on foot, with about 30 cm of standing water along the footpath in the valley bottom near Adam’s Farm.

Sadly, reconnaissance revealed extensive tree-felling in the copse between Acton’s Farm and Glover’s Farm at map ref TQ748099, about 100m to the left of the footpath as you walk towards Acton’s Farm from Sidley. This work looks like it was done a few days ago. The contractors cut down around 30 larger trees within the copse but left a screen of surrounding smaller trees to shield their work from view. A few larger trees still remain in the copse on the North side.