Success for DAN at the DWP‏

D.A.N Action Report – 17th April 2008.

Today more than twenty disabled activists occupied the foyer of Adelphi
House, where the Department of Work and Pensions is based. At 1.30 p.m.
campaigners breezed in, taking over the foyer, leafleting and asking to hand
deliver a letter to James Purnell, Secretary of State for the Department of

D.A.N Action Report – 17th April 2008.

Today more than twenty disabled activists occupied the foyer of Adelphi
House, where the Department of Work and Pensions is based. At 1.30 p.m.
campaigners breezed in, taking over the foyer, leafleting and asking to hand
deliver a letter to James Purnell, Secretary of State for the Department of
Work and Pensions. Members of D.A.N. the Disabled people’s Direct Action
Network refused to leave until a meeting was arranged with James Purnell to
discuss Incapacity Benefit and the changes which are forcing one million
disabled people into poverty and unpaid work placements. James Purnell was
out of the country, so D.A.N. activists met with representatives from the
DWP and Sally Witcher from the Office for Disability Issues and held long

The result of these discussions is, D.A.N. have been promised a meeting
with James Purnell, the date of which is to be confirmed. We are very
confident that the meeting will happen as we have promised to come back for
another visit if it doesn’t.

Best Wishes.

Mike Higgins
(On behalf of the DAN Press Team)

Tel: +44 (0)114 225 8676
Mob: +44 (0)7956 856060

Here is the letter from the meeting/action on the 17th April…..

Department for Work and Pensions
Our address
Level 2
The Ade1phi
1-11 John Adam Street London
Our phone number 020 7962 8361
Our fax number 020 7712 2235

17 April 2008

To the Disabled People’s Direct Action Network (DAN)

This is to confirm that I met with DAN representatives at The Ade1phi today. In discussion with DAN, I confirmed that:

• DWP will respond to DAN’s letter to the Secretary of State within two weeks, confirming that the Secretary of State will meet with DAN

• DWP will arrange for that meeting to take place within one month of today

I have noted DAN’s request that the meeting should be scheduled for an afternoon and would also appreciate it if DAN would inform us of any further access requirements.

Yours faithfully

Stephen Martin
Welfare to Work Director





ACTION: Disabled Campaigners are planning to protest against the DWP (Adelphi House, 1 to 10 John Adams Street, WC2) at lunchtime today (17th April). We will be delivering the attached letter for James Purnell (Work and Pensions Secretary) and will be requesting a meeting with him.

WE ARE SICK OF: Politicians who attack minorities – perceived as easy targets – for public spending cuts.

THE GOVERNMENT SAYS: Do as we say, or risk losing benefits.
OUR RESPONSE: We call on all Disabled Claimants to defend their needs, and DWP Staff / Trade Unions not to cooperate with this harassment of Disabled People.

THE GOVERNMENT SAYS: They want to re-test all claims for IB (Incapacity Benefit).
OUR RESPONSE: Claimants are already regularly tested in relation to their claims through questionnaires and physical assessments by Benefits Agencies / Medical Services.

THE GOVERNMENT SAYS: Replace “Sick-Notes” with “Well-Notes”.
OUR RESPONSE: This cynical exercise won’t halt discrimination against Disabled People in the work place, or increase our chances of employment. It will however, force more Disabled People into poverty.

DAN Press Officer for this Action:
Mike Higgins (0114 225 8676 /

Live on the Action:
Barry Schaufer (07508 634 228)
Nick Saunders (07956 682 830)

Pictures from the Action by:
Sid Baility (07951 050 153)
Hugh Hill (
Mozaz (Indymedia: 07816 572 505)

Some affected IB claimants:
Clair Lewis (07970 959 791)
Colin Revell (07518 350133)
Stella Ryan (07904 935 413)

. A one-off assessment only gives a snapshot of a Disabled Claimant’s condition at that moment.
. Welfare Reform ignores the reality of invisible and fluctuating impairments and contributes to discrimination against all Disabled People.
. Political and media coverage suggesting there has been a significant increase in IB claims since the 1980s is misleading. IB was actually introduced in 1995.
. A much higher percentage, than previously, of Disabled People are now living in the community and claiming benefits, rather than being institutionalised.
. A “long hours / short breaks” work culture makes it harder for Disabled People to cope with employment. Rather than attacking Disabled People as work-shy and lazy, the government could provide incentives which change workplace culture to encouraging flexi-time or working from home for example.
. There is a lack of access to meaningful workplace education and training. This leads to many Disabled People lacking qualifications, job skills and therefore decent jobs with adequate incomes.
. Instead of attacking Disabled People, the Government should prosecute employers who repeatedly break the law by discriminating against Disabled People
. For more details about the background to DAN’s concerns, see the attached leaflet, which we will be distributing at today’s event.



The Leaflet being handed out by DAN at today’s Action‏


The Disabled Peoples’ Direct Action Network are protesting at the Department
for Work and Pensions in central London today.

We are delivering a letter for James Purnell (Work and Pensions Secretary)
and will be demanding a meeting with him today.


. Politicians who attack minorities – that they see as easy targets – for
public spending cuts, and biased media / press coverage that negatively
portrays Disabled People as lazy scroungers and benefit cheats.

. Lack of access to meaningful education and training, leading to a lack of
qualifications and job skills.

. Work in hostile environments where employers continue to discriminate;
i.e. can’t tolerate disabled employees that need part time and flexi-time
work due to their impairments and don’t have mechanisms that allow Disabled
People to be absent without prior notification, for their condition /

. The lack of support to help us get to work and function in the work place;
eg, regular breaks, shorter hours and a working week that can be adapted to
suit our needs.



. Politicians, press and media to wake up to the damage their words do.

. Access to meaningful education and training, leading to proper
qualifications and job skills.

. Justice in the workplace with real penalties for discriminatory employers.

. A positive approach to the inclusion of Disabled People, especially those
with invisible and fluctuating impairments / conditions.

. Solutions to poverty rather than policies that compound it.

. An end to the discriminatory practices of the Work Capability Assessment
for Incapacity Benefit.

. A fair and just system that enables Disabled People who seek work and a
non-punitive system for those Disabled People who cannot currently work.

. Decent jobs with adequate incomes.