Sun 23rd Sep: Rally Against Olympic Evictions – on Allotment Demolition Day

Details of March & Rally Against Olympic Evictions on Allotment Demolition Day – Sunday 23rd Sept
Meet 2pm outside Hackney Town Hall

The demo will be in solidarity with other evicted groups such as Clays Lane Housing Co-op who have already been evicted from their homes and traveller/Gypsy communities soon to be evicted. The demo in Hackney calls into question the excessive social, economic and environmental costs of the Olympics as a catalyst for (de)regeneration.

Marsh Lane allotment protest flierMarsh Lane allotmentsDetails of March & Rally Against Olympic Evictions on Allotment Demolition Day – Sunday 23rd Sept
Meet 2pm outside Hackney Town Hall

The demo will be in solidarity with other evicted groups such as Clays Lane Housing Co-op who have already been evicted from their homes and traveller/Gypsy communities soon to be evicted. The demo in Hackney calls into question the excessive social, economic and environmental costs of the Olympics as a catalyst for (de)regeneration.

For a leaflet/flyer for this event, click onto the LifeisLand website:

“Development” – at what cost?
Their consultation = we know best

Planning permission for the Manor Gardens Allotments temporary relocation site at Marsh Lane Fields in Waltham Forest was granted on Tuesday June 12th 07. The London Development Agency’s plan has always been to remove them to make way for a footpath to the stadia needed for the four weeks of the Olympics.

Manor Gardens, bequeathed to be allotments ‘in perpetuity’ by their original owner the ‘Right Hon’ Major Villiers, sit in the North central section of the Olympic Park. The site has been earmarked to be vacated on Sunday 23rd September.

However, allotment holders aren’t going out with a whimper. Tomorrow, they are going to hold a march and rally on Allotment Demolition Day. Allotment holders, supporters and campaigners will be meeting at 2pm outside Hackney Town Hall, marching to Hackney Wick Community Association Baths, 80 Eastway, E9.