Switch off Hazelwood (Australia)

9 September 2009
“Switch off Hazelwood. Switch off Coal. Switch on Renewables” was a day of fun, creative and inspiring direct community action at Hazelwood coal power station.

Hazelwood bannersHazelwood crowd9 September 2009
“Switch off Hazelwood. Switch off Coal. Switch on Renewables” was a day of fun, creative and inspiring direct community action at Hazelwood coal power station. The protest at the front gates of the Hazelwood Power Station was organised by community members who care about climate change – and are willing to take peaceful community action. Melbourne Indymedia was there live covering the demonstration as it happened.

Twenty-two arrests occurred through-out the afternoon as people tried to get into the plant to switch off Hazelwood.


9:00 Last night approximately 300 people ate, camped and planned together for the day of action. Most people were formed into affinity groups and took part in the spokes council meeting. Spirits were high with live music, films by indymedia, and great food from Food Not Bombs.

9:30 Media van got stopped, one of two negotiated cars got through. 11:00

11:00 Media set up with helicopters buzzing over our heads. Speeches at start of demonstration: Robbie Thorpe, Sven Teske and Scott Ludlam. “Bikezilla” the giant bike join the parade and many officers have their badges obscured. Otherwise liaison is working well.

12:19 The protest march has reached the front gates where there is a heavy police presence and lots of new temporary fencing to keep protesters at bay. Speeches in front of gates: David Spratt, Merryn Rebenbach, Dave Sweeney congratulates locals: “People from the valley can’t voice their options and still be anonymous” “The place will become an industrial sacrifice zone as well as an ecological one”

12:31 Demonstrators waving to the helicopters and holding balloons.

12:45 David Spratt speech “Minister Should Resign”

12:55 Two Belgrave Wombats jumped the fence, two pushed away- two arrested 1:03 Cheerleader and Climate Actions Dance Group start. Rain stopped.

1:00 “Silly walks ministry” moves towards fence.

1:12 Police horses ride up to hill-fence to confront protestors.

1:13 Water and police on horses in place

1:15 Kids are playing with the “world”. Second wombat brought out of the gate.

1:20 Radical Cheerleaders in action chanting.

1:21 more police in front of the fence. Cheering activists move forward towards police and fence.

1:26 Around six more jumped the fence

1:34 Garbage bin sound-system starts. Another protester jumps the fence

1:35 The first two arrested wombats got charged and released.

1:36 Activists positioned on grass hill trying to push down fence.

1:40 Cheerleaders create diversion on fence line.

1:48 Chant and march down fence. Trying to shake fence down. Horses almost trample protesters.

1:50 Protester jumps over fence. Groups of protesters shake and try to jump fence

2:01 loud chanting. Batons up. Activists on hillside walk in an unbroken line towards the fence. Line is stopped by police horses.

2:02 Three activists get over the fence. Two get roughly pushed away and do not get over the fence.

2:03 Another activist dressed as a carbon cop jumps the fence and gets arrested.

2:05 Arrest Update: 13 so far

2:11 Crowd turns its back to Hazelwood in disgust.

2:30 Three more get over the fence, one tackled by police.

2:55 Arrests: 22, everyone ID processed on site. No one has been taken to Morwell police Station as yet. Most activists have been released on summons.

3:10 Activist forming a gigantic windmill, cheering and even though it’s raining a motivated outcome of the days efforts.

3:30 People heading home after a great day of civil disobedience against the one of the worst carbon polluting coal plants in Victoria and the world.