Tara campaign update: lock-ons and digger-diving, plus protest camp contact

I’m turncoat ACS archaeologist. I’m involved in Tara Campaign since June 2006 and thats my story about clamping to a lorry at 31st of January.

Wednesday evening at Rath Lugh Ressistance Camp was quite normal like every other day. Few protesters were siting in the Roundhause around burner, having tea and good conversation about how bad multinational corporations really are. Approximately about one o’clock when we were sitting in silence contemplating the idea of megalithic rock art being influenced by cymatic patterns caused by drum singing, six more protesters showed up. They bring with them idea of lock on to tar machine at Soldiers Hill, which was enthusiastically embraced by all of us. Soon we formed think tank and brainstormed through idea of that kind of Direct Action. After an hour we were ready and went to our beds to have a good rest.

I’m turncoat ACS archaeologist. I’m involved in Tara Campaign since June 2006 and thats my story about clamping to a lorry at 31st of January.

Wednesday evening at Rath Lugh Ressistance Camp was quite normal like every other day. Few protesters were siting in the Roundhause around burner, having tea and good conversation about how bad multinational corporations really are. Approximately about one o’clock when we were sitting in silence contemplating the idea of megalithic rock art being influenced by cymatic patterns caused by drum singing, six more protesters showed up. They bring with them idea of lock on to tar machine at Soldiers Hill, which was enthusiastically embraced by all of us. Soon we formed think tank and brainstormed through idea of that kind of Direct Action. After an hour we were ready and went to our beds to have a good rest.

I waked up early in the morning and moved myself to the Roundhaus. Some protesters were on quick supply run, other preparing necessary equipment for action. Two of us were decided to lock on to machinery, others were making support for us. At 1020 GMT we departed to cars. Morale was high, people smiling and joking all over the road to Soldiers Hill. At 1032 GMT we arrived at sites main gate and jumped out of car. Main objective was tar machine so we moved quickly towards it, passing by two workers with angle grinder ripping off tarmac from the day before (they probably had some flaws in it and needed to lay it again).

Fortunately for us next to tar machine was lorry with tar transport so I chose that one as I knew that other protester is aiming tar machine. When we approached them, there was a little bit chaotic situation with workers running around, obviously they had no idea about true nature of our action. I founded good spot underneath the lorry and using workers ignorance locked myself on. When they realized whats really going on it was already to late. I placed my self comfortably, make a rolly and attempted to read Archaeology and Society by G. Clark. I was interrupted by security, Ferrovial Spanish workers and my favourite health and safety officer Mark Kleary.

Other protesters left and were supporting two of us from outside of construction site. When ferrovial or Kleary were not around I had nice chat with workers, they were quite satisfied to have a break in their job. It was quite cold and one of them gave me gloves to warm my hands.

Then Gardai came in and started usual drill (whats your name, would you live the site bla bla bla). We were dedicated to stay and make them cut us of from machinery. Mark Kleary himself, was the man who cut my d-lock. Before doing that he was saying something about cutting different parts of my body so he exposed himself clearly as a psychopath. To be honest I’m little bit afraid of that man and I mentioned that to Gardai. They did not commented that.

It take three different scissors and 2,5 hours to cut us off. After that we were handcuffed and taken to Garda Station at Navan. We were searched, separated and placed in different cells. Other protesters gather around Garda Station building and were blowing whistles and shouting encouraging words. After some time we were taken to Dublin. There we experienced very quick, fast food like court case.

We were collected from court by fellow protester. Now we are under bail condition until next court case which will be February the sixth, but keep working for the campaign. In next hour I’m going to Soldier Hill to support Digger Divers by mean of banner protesting. So that’s my story.


Help is needed immediately on site with cameras batteries and general support. Please purchase phone credit for the vigil phone 086 1758557 If you can’t come to the hill contact us at tarapark@sacredireland.org maybe there is something you can do from your computer or landline.
Today, Feb 6th. Ash wednesday….. a digger is on the archeological site less than 30 feet from Lismullen Henge but has been prevented from working. 12 activists have stopped construction workers from unloading 3 dumper loads of hard core on the Lismullin archeological site. Gardai have been on site and taken names and threatened arrest. This work has been deemed illegal by the European Commission. It is also against public opinion, see full results of recent survey on www.sacredireland.
A ceremony took place on the henge at Lismullin, Imbolg Feb 3rd. 2008. There will be another ceremony this Sunday Feb 10th at 3pm
All welcome.


Demonstration at Lismullin morning of 7th Feb – 8 AM

Time to get real. Time for hocus-pocus over.

Demolition works continued today at the Lismullin national monument, which lies in the middle of the M3 motorway route, near the Hill of Tara, despite the filing of High Court action yesterday by Gordon Lucas.

A large protest is planned for 8.00 AM tomorrow morning, beside the Lismullin site. Demonstrators are travelling from different parts of Ireland to object to the demolition works proceeding, while the matter is before the courts.

Smaller demonstrations have been taking place on a weekly basis, and today two more demonstrators appeared before Judge Brophy in Navan District Court, charged with trespass, after being arrested last week.

Rhiannon Curtis from the UK had her case dismissed, because it was a first offence. Marcin Sawicki, from Poland, who previously worked as an archaeologist on the M3, had his case adjourned until next week, when an interpreter was ordered to be present.


Mass action at Tara, Monday 11 Feb, 12 noon

Just back from a very interesting day at Tara. Photos are to follow that show the devastation afoot up there, especially at Soldier Hill where construction workers are rushing to build the 50 acre Blundelstown Interchange. Lismullin and Rath Lugh are also very vulnerable right now.

A day of mass protest at Tara is now planned for Monday, 11 Feb, at 12 noon. We are aiming to get various groups and individuals to take part, as the situation is critical. If we all pull together for this, then we can have a strong impact, on the ground and in the media.

So make a date in your diaries, spread the word, and hopefully we’ll see some of you on Monday.

For anyone who wants to stay around up there for a while, the camp in Rath Lugh is in really good shape, with warm, dry accommodation available for activists. The guys up there are doing a great job, and it’s now time for everyone who cares about Tara to act.


11th feb –

The situation is escalating at Lismullin. Diggers are trying to cross the protected area of the National Monument. There is no Garda presence. More machinery is arriving and protesters are attempting a blockade. Please support in any way you can, contact all media, bring supplies, video and photographic equipment. Join the peaceful protest and spread the word. Urgent Call Out Now!

It has been confirmed that a digger did indeed succeed today in driving right across the front of the Esker of Rath Lugh. This area is clearly marked and fenced as the Exclusion Zone/Preservation Area. Protesters also report other machinery including huge earth movers coming right up as far as the fences.

There is ample room for diggers to manoeuvre without going near the exclusion area. WHY WASNT THIS DRIVER ARRESTED ?


The Rath Lugh Protest Camp needs your support: The Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp is situated two and a half kilometres from the Hill of Tara, on the Front Line of the proposed M3 between Lismullen and Baronstown.

Rath Lugh is the outer base camp for the Hill of Tara, enabling activists to keep a permanent vigil on the movement of vehicles and personnel working on various construction sites throughout the valley. Activists also maintain a constant presence on the Rath Lugh National Monument, which is currently under a temporary preservation order. The aim is to see this significant monument permanently preserved in-line with the rest of the Tara Complex.

“We need people urgently to halt the Valley’s destruction. Everyone has a skill or talent they can lend to this protest. Bring wellies, raingear, sleeping bags, torch, lighter, plenty of warm clothing, and good spirits. The protest is only going to get stronger, we will continue to oppose the motorway until it is moved, so come to Rath Lugh as quickly as you can. WE NEED YOU ALL NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Tara is calling, don’t ignore the call.”

Rath Lugh Camp Number: +353 86 1537 146