Tara – Transport minister has transport problems

November 2nd 2007

Diggers dived and Dempsey done

“transport problems for dept of transports noel dempsey”

Conservationists angry at what they call,’The desecration of Ireland’s cultural heritage’ laid siege to a Trim hotel (Friday 2nd nov) where transport minister Noel Dempsey celebrated another government decentralisation project.

November 2nd 2007

Diggers dived and Dempsey done

“transport problems for dept of transports noel dempsey”

Conservationists angry at what they call,’The desecration of Ireland’s cultural heritage’ laid siege to a Trim hotel (Friday 2nd nov) where transport minister Noel Dempsey celebrated another government decentralisation project.

Following a morning of succesful digger diving by 2 crews at Collierstown and soldiers hill,where 1 activist was arrested for not giving his name,then released an hour later.

Some of the 40 Tara M3 protestors dodged security to enter the rear of the Knightsbrook Hotel and golf resort where the reception was taking place,

At one point catering staff – some Polish – were sent to confront them.

Earlier, 10 conservationists harangued the veteran politician as he left the construction site for the new Office of Public Works, where he had turned the first sod.

His day was further spoiled when it was discovered that two tyres of his ministerial Merecedes had been let down.

A spokesman for Tara Solidarity Vigil said: “The graves of the ancient Fianna have been bulldozed, the bones dug up and the remains are still awaiting re-interment to their original resting place.

“It is blatant grave robbery and Irish people should be disgusted,

“Imagine if Glasnevin (Dublin) had a proposed motorway going right through it in 2000 years time.

“The aim was not to scare Mr Dempsey but to have a chance to communicate our concern at his lack of interest in an alternative, cheaper M3 route avoiding the Tara Skyrne Valley where there is potential for a rail line and for valuable tourism for generations to come.

“This proposed UNESCO World Heritage Park will thus be an asset to the people of Ireland.”

Resistance is growing from Rossport to Tara, and our actions are increasing in their effectiveness,as is evident from the government censoring www.tarapixie.net on public access internet terminals. This means we are winning somewhere and have raised major concerns within the halls of power. As song,poetry and music were once again heard in the halls of Tara over Samhain. We hope all Irish and international networks will rally to the support of the Tara Valley.Activists urgently needed now numbers are low after the Samhain celebration.As activists dig in for the winter support,food,warm gear and people needed.Hear the call.
