Tara Vigil Camp Being Evicted

May 08, 2008; 10:30 am

About a half an hour ago 20 Gardai, 20 OPW and 10-15 MD Security descended on the Hill to evict the Vigil Camp.

May 08, 2008; 10:30 am

About a half an hour ago 20 Gardai, 20 OPW and 10-15 MD Security descended on the Hill to evict the Vigil Camp.

2 Loader lorries and 12 other vehicles are currently there . The Temple structure has been dismantled, chopped into pieces and removed. They are now dismantling the A Chairde hut and the Tipi. The seven Vigil Keepers on site were not given time to remove their personal items and there is no channel of communication open as the workers turn their backs. There is no negotiation.

The OPW Archaeologist said that she would PERSONALLY put out the fire. She is referring to the Vigil Fire that has been burning for the Valley since Summer Solstice June 06.


Phone credit is urgently needed on the Vigil phone. Also urgent is the need for cameras and witnesses to document this. Please do whatever you can NOW. Send credit, bring help.

VIGIL PH: 086 1758557
Related Link: http://www.tarapixie.net

Vigil keeps have managed to get some time.

The Gardai were not able to quote specifically any law that would allow them to estinguish the sacred fire, they have given them a days grace to ceremonously remove the fire, but as it is specifically the Hill of Tara sacred fire, it would have to be moved to another site on Tara!!!!! This in itself creates a conundrum.

No method statement has been provided.
People are now allowed to remove personal possessions.
A recognised Ferrovial employee was assisting, but was wearing MD Security clothing. THIS IT OBVIOUSLY OUTRAGIOUS.

There is approx 20 vigil keepers surounding the Temple Ti-Pi/Fire adamant that they have the right to continue holding the Vigil.
There is a good atmosphere, music + drums, kids and laughter.
Energy is high and spirits are positive.

3pm update:

The OPW did not produce any paperwork for this eviction. Nothing signed and dated by a Judge.

The Protectors are currently blockading their vehicles and not allowing them to LEAVE the site. Shortly after this happened, the OPW agreed to negotiations and are now at a meeting with members of the Vigil.

Vigil Press Release

Press Release on behalf of the Tara Solidarity Vigil Camp
8th May 2008
At approx 10:30 this morning, the Office of Public Works launched an eviction attempt on the Tara Solidarity Vigil Camp, which is in situ on public land.

The Vigil is “a non-hierarchical peoples’ solidarity vigil, here in support of local people and all individuals and groups in the campaigns to Save Tara. We are adamant in our non-affiliation with any particular political or religious parties but welcome any friends of Tara to the sacred Vigil Fire, which has been burning continuously since the Summer Solstice, 21st of June 2006”.

This morning, 20 OPW employees, up to 15 MD Security Workers and 20 Gardaí entered the camp and began to dismantle temporary structures which are used daily by the Vigil Keepers. The structures include a Temple, several dwellings and meeting huts. The Temple, which was made of wood, was desecrated by chainsaw as the Keepers looked on in shock. Their priority was to hold their ground protecting the sacred flame within the Vigil TiPi. To add insult to injury, hidden within the group of MD Security workers, wearing their logo was a known Ferrovial employee.

Ferrovial Agroman, a Spanish company, are one of the companies, in conjunction with SIAC, who are contracted to build the controversial M3 motorway. This begs to further question the repeated cooperation between the Gardaí and private security for SIAC/ Ferrovial Agroman, on the back of the demolition of the Direct Action Protest Camp at Rath Lugh on 17th Apr2008.

The OPW Archaeologist onsite stated, and has been recorded that she would “personally put out the fire”. Both the OPW onsite and the Gardaí were initially refusing to acknowledge the sacredness of the fire and in doing so are not upholding an individual’s right to religious worship/practice. The OPW have also admitted on camera that this was not an official eviction, and that they didn’t even have the official documentation or method statement to carry out the activity.

When negotiations were finally possible, the Gardaí were not able to quote specifically any law that would allow them to extinguish this sacred fire. Talks since have produce a guarantee from Ms Fionnula Parnell, Archaeologist from the National Monuments Department OPW, in the presence of a Gardai, that no attempt to remove the fire, or the TiPi housing it until the outcome of an agreed meeting on 19th May 2007. There are approx 30 vigil keepers surrounding the TiPi housing the fire adamant that they have the right to continue holding the Vigil and practice their individual and collective beliefs. Several of these people were assaulted by the privately hired security company in the presence of Gardai, and will be filing charges. Otherwise, there is a great atmosphere, music + drums, children’s laughter in the air. Energy is positive and spirits are high in the Summer sun. This is why the Vigil has attracted visitors from the 4 corners of the world in the 23months of it’s existence.

Ex-Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has in the past forewarned of dangerous trends in modern society “So much of what is happening within our society and in the wider world is bound up with questions of religion, religious identity and religious belief,” he said, “that governments which refuse or fail to engage with religious communities and religious identities risk failing in their fundamental duties to their citizens.” The Irish Constitution (Article 8) recognises that citizens have a right to “Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen, and no law may be made either directly or indirectly to endow any religion or prohibit or restrict the free exercise thereof or give any preference, or impose any disability on account of religious belief or religious status”. The European Constitution (Part II – The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union) Article II-70 recognises ”Freedom of thought, conscience and religion: 1) Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance”.

We, the Vigil Keepers, call on Minister John Gormley, as Minister of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government responsible for State Managed Visitor Services, to officially acknowledge the sacred Vigil Fire on the Hill of Tara.

For verification call Debbie Reilly on 086 175 8557

Issued on behalf of the Tara Solidarity Vigil
Joanne Corbett 086 6030389 www.savetara.com