Telmex phone booths sabotaged in Mexico City

Communiques from the 96 phone booths sabotaged in four separate actions by the eco-anarchist cell for direct attack, the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and the Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature (LCDNS);

Telmex sabotagedTelmex sabotagedCommuniques from the 96 phone booths sabotaged in four separate actions by the eco-anarchist cell for direct attack, the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and the Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature (LCDNS);

“During four days last week 37 telephone receivers of public telephones belonging to the ‘telmex’ phone company in Mexico City were cut (with the help of bolt cutters and wire cutters), leaving the phones unusable.
Telmex, in addition to being responsible for the destruction of the planet, also financially supports, directly and with advertising, sadistic bullfights.
The sabotage continues … it will not stop …

arm your desires … do not let the moment pass …

until the exploitation ends.

eco-anarchist cell for direct attack.

mexico city 31 october 2008″


“Inspired by the action on October 31 in Mexico City, we have likewise sabotaged 25 phone booths of the Telmex company.

Frente de Liberación de la Tierra [Earth Liberation Front]”


“Sabotage to 4 telmex telephones.

On Saturday, November 8, with the means within our reach we sabotaged 4 public telephones belonging to the super millionaire Carlos Slim and his business telmex. Telmex not only financially supports bullfights, but is also one of the major destroyers of the planet.
These sabotages will not stop… until the end of exploitation of flora and fauna.
For animal liberation… commitment and direct action…

eco-anarchist cell for direct attack.

mexico city (d.f.) november 9, 2008″


November 12:

The company that destroys the earth and its inhabitants, Telmex, received a new attack from the Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature (LCDNS); at night we sabotaged 30 telephones, tearing them from their respective booths.

The sabotage against Telmex will not stop until civilization falls.

We are the stone in your shoes!

Revolution and insurrection, Mexico.”


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