The Camp at the End of the Runway, Manchester, 27-29 May

Friday 27 May, 5.30pm to Sunday 29 May at 8.30pm
The Woods, Near Manchester Airport

Manchester Airport is planning to press ahead with its expansion plans, demolishing local homes and green spaces, and doubling air freight capacity. Come and spend a weekend in the woods, getting to know the area and local residents, and learning more about the campaign against expansion.

Friday 27 May, 5.30pm to Sunday 29 May at 8.30pm
The Woods, Near Manchester Airport

Manchester Airport is planning to press ahead with its expansion plans, demolishing local homes and green spaces, and doubling air freight capacity. Come and spend a weekend in the woods, getting to know the area and local residents, and learning more about the campaign against expansion.

Meet 5.30pm at Piccadilly Station 27th May, or at 6pm outside Manchester Central Library for Critical Mass. We will go straight to the camp from Critical Mass.

Plans for the weekend include: Walk and Cycle Caravan to look at sites of campaigning significance such as Arthur’s Wood, the World Freight Centre, Hasty Lane, and the sites of the 2nd Runway Protest Camp; Pixie Picnic; Awareness Raising and much more besides.

Alternate meet time: 11am Heald Green Station Sat 28th May for the walk and cycle caravan.

Some hot (vegan) food will be provided, but the weekend won’t be fully catered. Bring enough food to be self-sufficient, and a little extra to share. Cater for your own dietary requirements.

What else to bring:
Bike (walkers welcome too, but cycling will be easier)
Decorations for your bike
Camping Kit
Food (see above)

See you there!/event.php?eid=222153411131342