The First COP15 Actions Taking Shape

10 December 2009

11th Dec: For latest news coverage of events see Timeline Reports | Live Video from Cop15live | Timeline (dk)

Climate denial conference disrupted10 December 2009

11th Dec: For latest news coverage of events see Timeline Reports | Live Video from Cop15live | Timeline (dk)

From “the inside”:
The climate actions started last night with fifty American activists taking over a conservative hosted climate denier conference. Today activists created a “climate storm” inside the Bella Centre and spoke against “suicide pacts” for low-lying nations, that would be destroyed by unchecked climate change. Yesterday the climate summit halted, when one of these threatened nations, Tuvalu, demanded commitment to a legally-binding agreement.

At the borders:
The police has been more active controlling the borders around Denmark, for instance near the German city of Flensburg, but it’s still possible to enter Denmark. There are also reports of people have been rejected through to Denmark from Sweden.

In the streets:
The cops in Copenhagen are generally quite active patrolling and stopping and searching people at several climate active points, when they aren’t just harassing people with paint.

While being a quiet day, the police hasn’t been on the slow side with breaking legislation by making deals with Danish offices regarding surveillance data of public roads.

Yesterday’s feature

For more coverage see: Climate Justice Chronicle Newspaper Issue #2 | Democracy Now! Broadcasting Daily | OneClimate